Chapter 32: Welcome to the Ballroom!

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"Matthew Porter? I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're stalking the wrong guy. My name's Matthew Doe."

"No, you're definitely the right guy." The girl continued to stare at me with her serious expression. There was also a sense of pity in her eyes.

"No, I'm not. My full name is Matthew Doe." I corrected her again.

"'re not." She frowned as her eyes darted to the floor.

"Okay...let's assume that I AM Matthew Porter. What do you want with him?"

The girl walked up to me and pleaded with her best puppy dog eyes. "Do you want to chat over a meal? It's on me!"

Is...this her way of flirting or something? Does she have me mistaken for some long-lost high school sweetheart? Regardless of whether that's the case or not, she's definitely going about it all wrong.

"Listen, I'm not looking for anything right now-"

"WHAT?! EW NO!" She shook her head, furiously denying my accusation.

HUH?! Is it really that bad of a suggestion?! It's not like I'm ugly or anything!

"THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ASKING ME OUT TO DINNER FOR?!" I shouted at her and she began to back up.


Great. Now we're just a couple of idiots shouting in an alleyway. There's nothing more suspicious than this. I have to see my way out of this conversation as soon as possible.

"This was fun, but I've got somewhere to be." I walked past her and began to leave the alleyway.

She began to follow right behind me like a pet not long after.

"Where are you going?"

She's not going to leave me alone, is she? She's way less dangerous than Walter told me she was though, so I'll entertain her.

"I'm gonna go people watching at the park."

"And you call ME the creep..." She shifted away from me a couple of steps.

I may be a bit weird for this, but there's a clear difference between her and I: at least I'm not invading multiple levels of these people's private life. After she was done judging me, she asked why I decided to do it.

"There's this girl that has lost people close to her and I've been wondering how to cheer her up. There's...a good chance that I didn't have a normal childhood and I don't want to make her feel worse when trying to brighten up her day." I spilled out what was on my mind.

"Hmmmm...girl problems! I can help with that! When's the next time you see her?" she asked.

"Two days from today at a party in my honor."

"OH! I JUST GOT A WAY BETTER IDEA THAN WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WERE DOING! FOLLOW ME!" The girl skipped ahead of me and led the way. Bold of her to assume that I was just going to follow her.

Her assumption was correct. I'm now intrigued in what she has planned.

The girl then turned around quickly and told me her name "By the way! My name's Hope! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you. I WOULD give a longer introduction, but it seems you know a lot about me already." I responded.


"Weeeeeeeeee're here!" Hope jumped in the air in celebration.

Hope...took me to a dance studio....

It was titled Francesca's Dance Studio. What's the big idea here? Is she just trying to waste my time? Why are we at a dance studio?! Hope immediately noticed my confused face and explained.

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