Chapter 17: The Sacrificial Paladin

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I can't believe I didn't think of a possibility like this. I was so confident in our success, I didn't even make the party eat food before the fight. I deserve everything That's coming to me. Could you really blame me? I have that monster Matthew here. I saw him take down the ghost of the manor and Violet told me about his participation in that special quest. Our win was guaranteed until Anya pulled some random crap out of her ass.

I used my red item Shapios to create a dome around us. However, this was only a short solution to our problem and everyone knew that.

"W-WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" Gabe Hans cowered behind Jessica.

"What's the plan now?" Matthew asked me.

I...I don't know what to tell him.


Matthew grabbed me by the collar and shook me violently. I grabbed him in response.

"Do you want to die?"


"There's only one thing I can think of..."

"Then spit it out. We don't have all day." He let go of me and I began explaining my plan.

The plan was pretty simple: The tanks will distract the horde while the rest of the group looks for Anya. If she dies, then surely the monsters will disperse. It may get hard though, I'm certain every monster in the frontier gathered to help Anya. From level one to level ten. We'll have to manage, though.

I didn't have enough time to hear everyone's reaction to the plan. I just had to assume because their faces didn't show disapproval, they were on board with the plan. This happened because as soon as I finished explaining, the dome I created shattered and monsters came pooling in all around us.



We had to be fast, so when I explained the plan to them, I also explained the method with which I was going to get most of the horde's attention. It probably won't work for all of them, but any monsters it doesn't work on will simply get aggroed by Jessica.

Matthew grabbed me by my shirt and threw me as hard as he could into the air. He threw me hard enough so that I could get a view of the majority of the horde, but low enough so that I could recover without taking as much damage. As I looked down on the stampede of monsters surrounding my party, I yelled as loud as I could "GAZE OF PITY!"

The visual cue lit up the domain with a quick flash as almost every monster in the domain turned to aggro onto me. Just as I confirmed the sheer amount of the beasts I aggroed, I landed and began to run off. I just need to keep running until Shapios regenerates its shield. As long as I stay alive, Shapios can go back to one hundred percent durability. I'll simply run, use my shield until it breaks, and then repeat the process.

I wasn't even looking at the status of my party members. I had to just trust that they were hot on Anya's trail. If I focused on anything other than running and dodging any incoming attacks, the horde would catch up to me and I would die.

Everything seemed to be going well.

Until I heard a woman's scream.

"HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!" I quickly glanced over to see Jessica surrounded by level ten orcs.

I tried to look around to see where the rest of the party was, but finding them was comparable to finding a needle in a haystack: hopeless.

I attempted to save her by making my way over there, but it was futile. Once I made it to her, I was just in time to see her grief-stricken face. She looked at me with pleading eyes. Eyes that said "I don't want to die.

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