Chapter 33: The Truth(?)

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Hope and I danced across the studio. Francesca counting our steps beat for beat while clapping. With the slow music taking us, I twirled around the studio with Hope in my arms and I tripped over her foot and fell after the fourth cycle of the variation. As we recovered, Hope begged for us to stop.

"Mattheeeeeeeeeeeew! We've been working our asses oooooooooooooff. You don't dance like a bull in a China shop anymore. I think that's progress!"

"NO!" Francesca and I shouted at her in unison.

"I'm ok, but I could better. I need to do this for her."

"This person must be important to you. Do you mind if I ask why?" Hope said.

I pondered on whether or not I should tell her. She's been helping me with this entire thing nonstop for the past two days, so why not?

"It's because before I met her, I lived a self-destructive lifestyle. Every day I thought of ways to get as close to death as possible, but with her words, she saved me from that." I exchanged looks with Hope and she had her hands on her mouth with tears welling in her eyes.

"Why did you feel like that? Loneliness? Abandonment?"

"No. I did something really bad. And ever since I did that bad thing, I thought that it would be best that I died. But I don't get that luxury. I'll work my ass off to make sure I leave this world with more good under my belt than bad." I gave an assuring nod to Hope, but she didn't look any calmer. Regardless, she switched her expression to a teasing one.

"It can't be that bad, just tell me what you did! Steal some candy from the candy jar?" She playfully punched my side.

"Maybe if you end up being enough of a sore in my side but for now, no dice."

I don't think I told a single soul about me killing my parents. I didn't even tell Violet, Aegis, or Lucia. And I consider them to be close friends. There's no way that I could tell someone I just met a couple of days ago the weight that I bear.

"Matthew, for the longest time, I've been wanting to get closer and get to know you. Ever since I heard about you, I wanted to see you. I travelled far and searched wide to have moments like these. If I can get you to perfect this dance, will you tell me?"

I can't believe Hope did all of that for me. I'll tell her. I'll tell her the words she needs to hear...

"Hell no."

"HUUUUUUUUUUUUH?! I JUST POURED MY HEART OUT TO YOU AND YOU'RE GONNA REJECT ME LIKE THAT?! WHERE'S THE LOVE?!" She hit me multiple times in the chest, but it did no damage to me. I didn't even flinch.

After she calmed down, we got back to practicing. Even though I didn't accept Hope's proposal, she still gave it her all when dancing with me. As the sun went down, I finally perfected the dance. Hope thanked Francesca for all of her help and we went on her way. I offered to go out to eat as a way of showing my thanks to her and she was fine with it.

We went to a very fancy restaurant that served dishes that I never even heard of. The place had a huge glass chandelier and looked like somewhere a king would dine. Hope all of a sudden was very taken aback. She didn't want me to spend so much on her, so she looked up a family diner in the area and suggested we go there. I never really had a problem paying a lot of money, but she insisted.

[hope asks where he even got all of that money and matthew explains that his parents were rich and he inherited everything]

Once we stepped into the diner and ordered, we began to chat a bit.

"Now that I think about it, isn't it getting a bit late? You're gonna be late for your party." Hope said.

"Nah, I won't. The day's probably just starting over there."

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