Chapter 25: Brothers of Fate

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Polk and I followed Gash into the final room and as we did, I scanned the place.

It was built pretty much like the other rooms. It was a decently sized room with stone walls and a podium in the middle with a stone slab on it. The greatest difference could be found behind the podium. Behind the podium was a large chest that had a keyhole. For the third and hopefully last time, I read out the what was written on the slab.

"Now that you three have lit your bond's fire,

It's time to state what about each other you admire!

For this, friendship is the key

Make bonds as strong is family

And from this chest you will get what you desire."

"AWWWWWWW MAN! Polk, this is YOUR fault! The only chance I had to fight was ripped from me!" Gash pouted as he sat on the floor cross-legged.

This was the perfect time to ask Gash about what exactly he admires so much about me. As much as I enjoy having someone that admires the things that I do, my method of doing things could be seen as...


"What made you admire someone like me, Gash?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"It's simple! You and I are exactly alike!"

"In what regard?" I raised my eyebrow.

Based on the interactions I had with many types of people, I figured that my experience with my parents was a unique one. Because of that, I want to make sure we're on the same page before I blurt anything out.

"You want to live life in the fullest, of course. You find your day to day life to be a boring cycle that'll never end, so you find enjoyment in doing whatever you want in THIS world! You're probably in the service industry, just like me!"

So that's the kind of person he thinks I am? He probably would feel betrayed if I mentioned I'm a billionaire, so I won't tell him that part.

"I'm not the maelstrom of unhinged chaos you think I am, Gash. Maybe when I just started playing this game, I was willing to do anything and everything to die. But why would I do something like that when I could make my death way more valuable? If I could die in the final stages of this game, or maybe even in the battle against the demon king, I'll be happy."

Gash tilted his head in confusion. It seemed like he heard me, but he wasn't listening. It was as if he processed my line of thinking, but couldn't understand the conclusion.

"But why bother? Wouldn't you want to instead take your anger out on the world for doing this to you? Aren't there strangers out there that piss you off to no end? Why would you stick your nose out for these random people?"

"I don't mind the people. They're better off alive than dead because at any point, they can improve. They can be better members of society at any given moment."

What is wrong with Gash? He's part of Lightspeed, but he thinks like this?

Gash saw the confused face I was making, and corrected his behavior. "Well either way, I'm certain that I'll have fun playing this game with you!"


"POLK!" Gash gave an enthusiastic smile to his healer as he continued. "I admire your consistency! I admire how you ideals and your willingness to do everything for our ideals!"

"Right." Polk nodded.

None of us were paying attention, but the keyhole to the chest was glowing brighter with every word we spoke to each other. Gash's last comment was enough to unlock the chest. When the chest flew open, the door at the very beginning of the Deposit could be heard. It probably opened because we beat it.

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