Chapter 34: A Moonlit Waltz

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I rose from the bed of the inn connected to light speed's guild hall and saw a DM from Aegis at the top right.

[There's no way you're wearing your armor to the party. I left you a suit at the front desk. It's somewhat your style. Also you owe me for it.]

I went to the front desk and the receptionist gave me a box that contained a suit that had nothing but white except for the buttoned shirt and shoes which were both black. Not bad. He got the basic color scheme down for Potenshia.

As I equipped the suit I wondered: what do people even do at parties? I know they dance, but how long? And is there any time to just chat with people. These were all questions I had that shrouded my mind and made me nervous. I couldn't believe that in the first time in my life, I was getting nervous.

Regardless I have to do this...


I stepped out of our guild hall and walked over to lightspeed's guild hall. As I stepped through the door I looked around and noticed a large ballroom that many were standing around chatting in. it had a large Chandelier at the center and various waiters and waitresses moved around tending to everyone's needs. There was even a small band in the corner playing classical music.

As the doors closed behind me, everyone turned to look my way. As their eyes concentrated onto me, I began to sweat. Was that even possible in this game? I feel like I'm sweating bullets!

"There goes our hero! Everyone, this is Matthew. He helped flush out the fakes and save the expedition. We wouldn't be here without him. Three cheers for the marauder of white!" Hermes raised his glass and everyone followed, cheering me on.

I nervously laughed it off and waved at everyone. I don't think I've ever gotten attention like this. I think it bothers me.

Soon I saw both Hermes and a lady walking towards me. The woman looked stern and proper. She also walked with the grace of a noblewoman. Hermes on the other hand, wore his same carefree expression.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Matthew. My name is Seph. I'd like to personally thank you for taking care of my idiot childhood friend here." She pointed to Hermes.

"IDIOT childhood friend?! What did I do to deserve that title?!" Hermes looked shocked.

"It was when you decided to take a couple of strangers on such an important mission instead of someone you've known all of your life!" she started to wring out Hermes' ear.

"It wasn't anything serious. I just did what I needed to do for my guild." I said.

"No, it was VERY serious. At any point, he could've lost his life, the expedition, or both. As the vice leader of lightspeed, I would like to say you are a valued person in the eyes of the guild." she bowed in a very courteous and lady-like manner.

This girl seems like such a reliable person. I wonder what made Hermes think that Gash and Polk were more valuable.

As the two were leaving to talk to more people at the party, Hermes gave me a wink and whispered "I gotcha back, buddy."

As I wondered what exactly he was talking about, I decided to just dismiss it and continue wandering through the ballroom looking for Lucia.

As I looked around, I noticed Aegis and Roxline chatting with each other. Aegis and I made eye contact, and he just gave me a warm smile and continued chatting with Roxline. Usually him doing something like thag would give me the creeps, but for some reason it gives me a sense of contentment.

I wandered some more and noticed Violet chatting with... Elizabeth Gornwell?!

"Hey!" I waved over to the two as I approached them.

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