Chapter 28: Friends Forever

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The Paladin walked over to me and offered his arm to me.

"Here. You need to do damage to heal. So bite, scratch, do whatever you need to heal up."

I looked at Aegis with a concerned frown. Does he know the situation he's in? We have no healers. I'll be fine because of my healing ability, but every point counts for Aegis. There's no way I'll be a deciding factor in his death-


"Huh?" I said.

Aegis was growing impatient with my inaction and took one of my fingers cut his own wrist with it. This was enough to bring my HP out of FYL and close up the fatal wounds that Gash caused.

"Are you crazy or something? A couple wrong moves and you're dead! You shouldn't just be handing out HP like that!"

"It's simple. I just won't die here."

"You're an idiot if you think that's gonna be enough."

"I'M an idiot? Who's the guy that wanted to fight a tank and healer alone? And you say that I'M the selfless one-"

"WELL THEN! Is it alright if I interrupt your little reunion? I really want to finish this fight!" Gash interrupted.

"How nice of you to wait for us." I rose to my feet and readied my weapon.

"Of course! You are my best friend after all! Even after you die, I'll consider you the bestest friend I have ever had! We were meant for each other, Matthew-"


I didn't let Gash finish his praise of me. It was all nonsense, anyway. The delusions of a madman. I wonder if that's how I sounded my first day in this game...

Sadly, I didn't cleave Gash's head off. He able to duck right under my swing and went for my stomach again.


This time, I had the perfect defense with me. Aegis used Shapios to protect my abdomen from the Bloodfallen's attack. I immediately saw an opening and didn't let up on my attack. I tried hitting him time and time again, with each hit getting closer to him than the last. He keeps stepping out of my range of attack just in time. He's agile, I'll give him that.

"DAMN IT!" Polk yelled out. Aegis was attacking Polk and wasn't giving him a moment to breathe. The red item the three of us had wasn't even an issue for him because of his extraordinary defense. "GASH!"

"I'M ON MY WAY-WOAH!" Gash tripped over a rock on one of his dashes backwards and fell on his ass. I focused on slicing him open just like he did with me. When I readied my swing, he got a handful of sand a threw it at my face. I was blinded, but I made my swing thinking he was in the same spot. Unfortunately, he moved. By the time my axe made contact with the ground and I realized, I wiped the sand out of my eyes and looked around.

I looked to my right to find Gash laughing maniacally while holding something. I examined to see what exactly he was holding and realized it was a red and yellow crystal.

WHAT THE HELL?! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE TO GET TWO HIGH-TIER ITEMS IN A SINGLE DEPOSIT! Especially with such low level monsters. It must've been our red item! If luck is a stat, then it would be tripled.

From what I can tell, red and yellow items could immediately set you tiers above other players. Whether that's in PVP like Roxline's Peladore, or PVE like my General Slayer. I'm not even mentioning things like Shapios or Potenshia. If he gets items that are even close to these things, we're screwed!

I dashed to him and made a swing to sever his arm off. I need to separate him from those crystals as soon as possible.

"TOO LATE, MATTHEW!" Gash yelled out as the two crystal began to glow and temporarily blind me.

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