The Council and Hunting

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Some Time Earlier

Anakin was sitting in the Jedi Temple, waiting for his next assignment from the Council. He felt a buzzing in his pocket, indicating that he was getting a call from someone, specifically his Padawan.

"What is it, Snips?" Anakin asked.

"Master, I've found (Y/N)," Ahsoka began, "and I think we have a problem."

"Really?" Anakin wondered, incredulous. "He only left a couple of months ago. How can he be an issue?"

"Master, (Y/N)'s a Sith Lord," Ahsoka explained, "Sith eyes and all. He claims that he's not with Dooku, but I have my doubts."

"What?!" Anakin shouted. "Ahsoka, where are you right now?"

"I'm on his ship, Master," Ahsoka informed him. "He's doing something in his quarters, so I decided to give you a call while I had the chance."

"Alright, Ahsoka. Do your best to keep us informed of his position, I'll tell the council."

"Understood, Master. I'll do my best." With those words out of Ahsoka's mouth, Anakin hung up. He quickly made his way towards the elevator that led to the highest tower in the Jedi Temple, to the meeting chambers of the Jedi High Council. When he was stopped by the guards outside the elevator, he informed them that there was an urgent matter concerning the entirety of the Order. One of the guards made a call using the communicator on his shoulder, before their lightsabers parted, allowing Skywalker access. Anakin gave them a nod before entering the elevator, ascending the highest tower in the Temple.

"Ah, Skywalker. A problem, there is?" Yoda inquired.

"Indeed, Master," Anakin began. "My Padawan recently encountered the Padawan of Master Windu, the one who recently left the order. She claims that he's fallen to the Dark Side, and is now on Coruscant."

"Hmm. Most troubling, this is," Yoda pondered. "Have anything to say on this matter, Master Windu?"

"(Y/N) was weak," Windu lectured. "He couldn't even lift a few boxes with the Force. To suggest that he could be a Sith Lord is mere delusion at best, and an intentional deception by Skywalker's Padawan at worst."

"Forgive me, Master Windu," Master Kenobi spoke up, "but what you are saying doesn't make sense. Please, correct me if I'm wrong Masters, but during his Youngling Showcase, he favored a one-handed lightsaber style specifically so he could keep one hand open to manipulate his surroundings with the Force. To suggest that he was incapable with the Force is absurd."

"Indeed. Correct, Master Kenobi is," Yoda explained. "Favor a Force-intensive combat style, young (L/N) did. Have more to say, do you, Master Windu?"

"We can discuss this later," Windu sighed. "The fact is, Skywalker's Padawan claims that there is a Sith Lord on the loose here on Coruscant. I recommend Skywalker and Kenobi move to apprehend him."

"But Master Windu," Kenobi replied with a cheeky grin, "I thought you just said that (Y/N) was too weak to be a Sith Lord."

"Not the time for commentary, this is," Yoda lectured. "Agree with Master Windu, I do, though to send Kenobi as well, overkill may be. Send Skywalker and his Padawan, we shall."

"Of course, Master," Anakin bowed, and began heading towards the hangars. When he arrived, he got another call from Ahsoka. Apparently (Y/N) was at the power generators, unable to report it before because she was constantly under watch. Anakin asked where she was, to which she reported that she was at the refugee center.

"Alright, Rex and I will be there shortly to pick you up, we're going Sith hunting," he explained. "You've done the right thing, Ahsoka."

"I know, Master. I'll see you shortly."

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