The End of Mortis

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Anakin Skywalker was not having a great... day? Night? The time table on Mortis was all kinds of kriffy, so he opted to just call it a few hours. First the Son kidnaps Ahsoka, turns her to the Dark Side, then that blasted Sith shows up with a whole host of new powers. Oh yeah, did he forget to mention that he saw the literal embodiment of the Light Side of the Force die? And now, he was off to the place where the Dark Side was strongest on this planet that was already incredibly strong in the Force. Anakin shook his head, as if trying to shake the very thoughts from his mind. He had to focus.

Anakin descended into the Well of the Dark Side, a massive hole in the ground that led to a single rock floating upon a river of lava, the sigil of the Ones glowing the same fiery orange. Anakin parked his speeder there, ready for whatever he would see or hear, as he had seen Qui-Gon before.

"I believe there has been a... miscommunication," the Son said from behind Anakin, deathly calm. "We need not be enemies."

"You murdered your sister!" Anakin yelled back. "The Force is out of balance. I have to stop you."

"Must you?" the Son asked, a hint of smugness on his face. This prompted Anakin to ignite his lightsaber, ready to strike at the Son. The Son, however, simply chuckled, pulling the lightsaber right out of Anakin's hands.

"There is no need for such cruel implements here," he mocked. "I have a gift for you."

"I've had enough of your trickery," Anakin hissed in response.

"Ah, but this one I think you'll like. What if I could show you your future?" Anakin grabbed his head in pain, occasionally grunting.

"No, no!" he yelled, trying to make it end.

"Know yourself!" the Son replied. "Know your future! Know what you will become!" The Son pulled the same swirling mist trick on Anakin as he had (Y/N), but rather than having to explain that it was about Anakin, he had the luxury of diving straight into the tradgedy. Obi-Wan and Padme suffering, the Lightning of Darth Sidious, Anakin killing Younglings, Obi-Wan striking him down, Anakin using the Force to choke Padme, the destruction of what Anakin recognized as Alderaan, and finally, the visage that Anakin would one day take upon himself.





When the mists finally faded, Anakin was on his hands and knees from sorrow and grief as the Son began to approach him.

"Am I really going to do such terrible things?" Anakin asked the Son, his voice broken, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Yes, but it doesn't have to be that way," the Son offered, "The choice is still yours to make."

"How?" Anakin asked, desperate to not do the things he had seen himself doing.

"The future, by its very nature, is always subject to change," the Son pointed out. "Join me, and we shall destroy this Emperor you see in your visions, and we shall end war, greed, corruption, and suffering throughout the galaxy."

"Will we bring peace?" Anakin asked, as peace was the only thing on the Jedi Knight's mind.

"Of course," the Son replied, offering Anakin his lightsaber again. Anakin reached out and took it, sorrowfully, looking up at the Son, ready to learn.

Obi-Wan was not having a great... day? Night? The time scale on Mortis made no sense, so Obi-Wan thought it best to simply describe it as a few hours. He had been informed that Anakin had left for what was likely the Son's own home, and then lectured by the Father to not interfere. However, given the fact that he and Ahsoka were present, he decided to interfere anyway, because why else would they be there? So, Obi-Wan drove his speeder into the Well of the Dark Side, seeing massive flows of magma overlooking a single rock floating in an ocean of liquid mineral. He could see where Anakin had parked his own speeder, and came in for a landing next to it. It wasn't long before Obi-Wan saw the man himself.

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