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This is Book Two of the Many Colours of Life and Death AU. If you haven't read Book One---Purple and Gold---then I strongly advise you do so (it won't make any sense)! Enjoy the story!

 A country roamed the wreckage of the old Spanish Empire's palace. Bodies lay half buried, blood covering the ground around them. Half of a painting lay next to the Spanish Empire's decapitated head. Dried up tears streaked his face.

The country kept moving. Next, he found the French Empire's body, a dagger buried in her throat. Her usually flaming orange eyes sat dull in her sockets.

Not too far away, the country found Prussia and the Russian Empire, staring into the sky with lifeless expressions. Their blood mixed together on the ground, creating a miniature waterfall that was still barely flowing. The Holy Roman Empire, or the two halves of him, was on the ground below them.

REC turned away from the bodies, feeling sick. Everything still felt surreal. What had become a small argument and the assassination of one country became a massacre. A butterfly effect that ended with the butterfly dead.

After the British Empire's death, nobody really knew what to do. "We should get in touch with everyone's family. Let them know that they... died." The Dutch Empire had suggested.

There were six survivors—the Dutch Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, Red Ensign Canada, Austria-Hungary and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Meanwhile, there were thirteen deaths, if they counted the Roman Empire. Everyone took one or two countries' families each to notify.

Canada went with Portugal, PE's daughter, and France, who was his mother and FE's daughter. He'd never met Portugal, but felt responsible for her father's death. It was only fair that he delivered the news.

He went to France's house first.

"Oh my!" his mother cried when she first saw him. "Get in! Let's have a look at you."

"Mom-" REC protested, but she dragged him in and got out the bandages and alcohol. She started to clean his wounds, which he barely noticed until she pointed them out.

"You need to stop listening to your grandmother. She only brings war with her," France huffed. "I'm glad you left the war."

"I didn't leave. It's over." REC said. "We won..." He swallowed back tears. It didn't feel like they won.

"Oh. Good," France said. "Promise me you won't join the next one. I was worried sick."

"I won't," REC vowed, "but we need to talk."

"What is it, dear?" France looked into Canada's eyes, a flash of worry in her eyes.

"How much do you know about the war?"

"Not much," France admitted. "Outsiders have been calling it the Gold War, and I heard the Roman Empire came back to life. I'm sure that last part is just rumours."

"They aren't. He did come back to life. And he tried to kill everyone."

France gasped. "How? Did he do this to you?" she hissed, her eyes narrowing.

"Yes. But he's gone now!" REC said quickly as her mother stood up, about to run out of the door. "I told you, we won."

"I wish he would come back to life a second time so I could stab him," France muttered, but she sat back down. "Did everyone make it?"

REC didn't answer, but she knew the answer.

"Where's FE?"

Again, REC didn't answer, biting his tongue to stop himself from crying. He didn't know why he was even crying. FE hardly cared about him. She tried to kill him! But he still felt sad.

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