Chapter Nine

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Canada breathed a sigh of relief as his father left the room. They'd nearly been caught reviving the dead spider. Canada cupped his hands over it, and revived it in just five seconds. He'd been practising a lot, and had gotten faster at reviving and healing.

He hated the feeling though. Before the spider came back to life, it was at peace. But when it was revived, Canada and the spider were seized by terror, fear and confusion. Canada wished he didn't have to disturb them from their slumber.

"Should we try your powers on that squirrel? I bet it's still there," Portugal suggested.

"That would be a big leap from spiders, but sure. Can't be that hard," Canada shrugged. "Dad, I'm going to the forest!"

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea!" REC called back.

"Why not?"

"Come here. Both of you," REC sighed, and they walked into the dining room. "The Roman Empire has returned. And nobody knows where he went. He got revived... somehow," he explained.

"Oh," Portugal put her hand to her mouth. Canada stared with wide, horrified eyes. ROE... someone who would definitely want to use his powers.

"So for now, it's probably wise if you two stay inside. At least for the time being," REC finished.

"Aww," Canada groaned.

"That's okay. We can play a board game instead!" Portugal said in her usual optimism.

"Sure," Canada said, still glum. Portugal dragged Canada into the living room, but strangely didn't get out any board games.

"Shhh, we're going to sneak out later, and keep practising then," Portugal whispered to him. Canada lit up. "For now, how about a game of chess?"

"Ugh, you always beat me!" Canada cried.

"That's what makes it fun!" She giggled.

They played for hours, with Canada slowly falling asleep as he lost more and more. Soon, they could hear REC's soft snores in the other room, and knew they had to take their chance. They quietly crept down the hall to the door, which miraculously didn't make any sound when they opened it.

Then they were free to go to the forest, although it was nighttime. Portugal had grabbed a lantern, so that they could actually see in the darkness. They found the dead squirrel where they left it last time, next to a tree.

"Are you ready?" Portugal asked.

"Yes. If I start screaming, try to keep me quiet. I don't want my dad to find us," Canada said.

"Uh, ok," Portugal said, grimacing.

Canada placed his hands on the squirrel's soft fur. He felt his entire body tingle as his powers got to work. A sensation of peace filled him. Until suddenly, the squirrel started to breathe. Canada could feel its tiny heartbeat under his fingers.

The pain came swiftly. Horror filled him as the squirrel started to struggle. Soon, it was only Canada's hands that were tingling, as he started to heal the squirrel. Fresh blood squirted onto his hands, but he didn't notice it over the rising pain in his stomach.

It hurt and it hurt and he wanted it to go away. He wanted the squirrel to go back to being peaceful, and calm. But that would mean that it would be dead. And Canada didn't want the squirrel to be dead.

The hole finally closed up, and the squirrel scurried back into the bushes. Canada breathed out, still feeling the pain in his stomach. He noticed a stick in his mouth, which hadn't been there before. He spat it out.

Orange and Navy (The Many Colours of Life and Death AU)Where stories live. Discover now