Chapter Twenty

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The Principality of Serbia was backing away from the League of Lezhe—who was being mind controlled—only to trip over his own feet.

Curse this unlucky power, he grumbled in his head, not for the first time. He would even go as far as to say his power was among the worst.

He rolled sideways, but Lezhe impaled his left wing, stopping him in his tracks. It tore through flesh and feathers, causing a scream to escape his lips. He kicked towards his enemy, missing every hit except for the last one.

I actually hit him?! Amazing! He thought happily. That was, until he saw that Lezhe was back to normal. So, not so lucky.

"Ouch," the red country glared at him.

"Sorry. Um... a little help?" PoS gestured to his wing. Lezhe walked over and ripped it out without a moment's hesitation. The injured country grunted in pain, and shook out his wings.

"You're welcome," Lezhe said.

"Thanks," the Principality nodded to him. He spun around, sword in hand, looking for anyone who needed help.

He spotted the mind controlled Emirate of Diriyah battling with the German Empire. PoS started to walk over to help, when a floating sword missed GE. Heading straight for the white, blue, and red country.

It was too late to dodge. Too late to do anything.

The sword didn't miss this time.

"Lezhe..." he choked out, but the red country didn't hear him at first. "Lezhe!" He tried again, and finally, he was heard.

"Oh shit," the League of Lezhe dropped down beside him. His hands hovered over the blood, perfectly matching the colour. "Uh... we'll just get you over to the medics! Can you stand?"

"I'm not going to make it," the Principality of Serbia told him, but Lezhe wasn't listening.

"No, no, no, you're going to make it. With my luck cancelling out your unluckiness, you have a chance!" Lezhe insisted.

"I have a sword through my..." he trailed off as he began to see flickers of blue. The land of the dead.

"Stop! What about your son?"

"It's time for me to join him."

"But he's alive."

After the Ottoman Empire left, the Dutch Empire got right to work. He kept a cautionary shield over his head, and stopped any time he heard rubble shifting. Soon, he found a hand. He cleared away a pile of rocks from atop the body, and stopped when he uncovered the face.

It was the Swedish Empire. He looked upon the body, before moving on. As far as he knew, SWE didn't volunteer.

After a few more minutes, he found a green hand. Bulgaria. He pushed away the rocks hastily, finally uncovering his dead friend. A sword was stuck through Bulgaria's chest. The Ottoman Empire's old sword.

He remembered it as if it were yesterday. OE pushing the mind controlled country to the ground. Into a fallen sword. Killing him.

DE dragged the body into a more open space, before hearing tremors in the structure. His shields stretched two metres tall, and covered a radius of ten metres. But the tunnel was too long for him to cover.

Then everything collapsed.

Despite his father's mind control powers, the Byzantine Empire could see that they were losing. They had to retreat.

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