Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Mali Empire found the Egyptian Empire returning from her walk, a content expression on her face. She looked confused when she saw MAE.

"Why do you look so worried? I was only gone for a little while," Egypt said.

"Turn back!" MAE cried, running towards her. She passed EGE, and tried to drag her away from the village.

"Why? What is it?" EGE asked, slowly following.

"There's going to be an explosion!"

"An explosion?" Egypt hesitated, then turned back. "Then we need to make sure everyone is safe!"

"No—" the Mali Empire was cut off by a boom! Pieces of wood rained down on them, and the ground shook. Fire exploded from the village, instantly reaching them. MAE leapt for EGE, but it was too late.

She felt her face boil and burst, fire burying itself in her skin. She quickly covered her face, and let her hands take the brunt of the explosion. It dissipated quickly, and a series of more explosions sounded off further down the village.

MAE opened her eyes, but couldn't see anything. Perhaps her eyes needed to adjust.

"Egyptian Empire? Are you okay?" her voice was scratchy and hoarse. She could feel blistering burns on her neck. No answer.

She tentatively stepped forward, still unable to see anything. Ashy grass crunched under her feet, crumbling into dust. She took another step, and her foot touched something large and solid. She bent down, feeling for the ground. The Mali Empire felt burnt flesh, and gasped.

"Egypt, answer me!" she sobbed, shaking the body. It didn't stir under her hands, or say anything.

The Egyptian Empire was gone.

"What do we do?" the terrified voice of Canada asked. Everyone had gathered at the cliffs, a few leaving to notify the ones not in the village. They had witnessed the explosions with heavy hearts, watching as their homes were torn apart.

"Where's my son? Has anyone seen my son?" the Grand Duchy of Lithuania cried. The Crown Kingdom of Poland touched her shoulder with a sad look.

Denmark-Norway sighed. He hadn't had long to take what he could. All he had was a picture of their family, and his first axe, which had broken in two. It wasn't much. He wished he could have taken the piano, but he wasn't strong enough. He'd considered mimicking the Empire of Brazil's strength, but he was worried someone would notice. It was a good piano.

"Do you think the Kalmar Union is here?" Sweden-Norway asked, holding a small stuffed polar bear that her grandfather had given to her.

"Perhaps. Mother, are you here?" D-N said. There was no answer. Maybe he was asleep. Did ghosts sleep?

"Denmark-Norway! We need you to help find the French Empire," a voice called to him. D-N turned hesitantly to find the British Empire and France standing behind him.

Uh, okay... he signed, walking over to join them. He pinched his arm nervously. Wait, why do I need to find FE? I thought she was locked up.

"She was, but we forgot to get her before the explosion. We're assuming she survived, since she can control flames and probably caused the explosions. If you can, look for PLC, Granada, the Mali Empire and the Egyptian Empire too," the British Empire said.

But why me?

"Everyone else who can fly already left to tell the countries who don't live in the village what happened. Or they are too scared to go back to the village. Can you handle it?" France asked.

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