Chapter Eight

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A day after the battle, a meeting was called to everyone who lived near the neighbourhood. Countless countries attended, including most of the ghosts. With the death of the United States of America, and the Kalmar Union, everyone was pretty riled up and terrified.

"Everyone calm down!" Britain tried shouting over everybody, but they were all talking over each other. God, it was loud.

"We're all going to die!"

"This is stupid."

"It's just one man. We can take him."

"My shoulder hurts."


"How do we stop the mind control? What if he's spying on us through each other?!"

"Please, stop talking!"

"Tunis, how did you sleep through the entire battle?"

"I dunno. I'm a heavy sleeper."

"Why are so many people talking?"

"What's the plan?"

"Who's going to save us?"

"How many more of us are going to die because of this?"

EVERYONE SHUT UP! Words appeared angrily in a wave of water as the ghost of the British Empire used his powers. That did the trick, and soon everyone's worries became whispers and mutters.

"This time, we will not be taken by surprise," the Ottoman Empire began. His arm was wrapped in bandages, after he'd been stabbed in the arm by the Byzantine Empire. He'd been found after KU's death, angrily trying to unpin himself without ripping it out. The German Empire had ripped it out for him and he passed out, but insisted on coming to the meeting when he was awake.

"We will be prepared, and ready. Everybody here should now know how to stop the mind control," France continued, jolting Britain back to the present.

"Does anyone here have a power or information they think could be useful in taking down the Roman Empire and his son?" Britain asked. Several countries raised their hands.

"I can cancel or stop other powers from a distance. Not for very long though, I don't practise very often," Yugoslavia said sheepishly.

"I can swap powers. If there's a country here with a harmless power, I can swap the two and it will temporarily disable ROE's mind control ability. Like Yugoslavia, unfortunately, I can't keep it for very long. Especially if I am distracted," Sweden-Norway said, her head lowered. It was her mother who died during the previous battle. Britain felt bad for her.

"I can make anyone fall asleep for... at least five seconds," another person named Tunis piped up.

"Is that how you slept through the entire battle?" the Hafsid Dynasty said with a snort.

"No, I used tea for that," Tunis stated with a straight face.

"I suppose we can use that power to keep ROE distracted. We'll need all the time we can get," Britain said.

"Does immortality count as a useful power?" an unknown country asked. Britain peered at him, trying to figure out his name.

"Who are you, again?"

"The Indus River Valley Civilisation. I can't die," he explained proudly.

"No shit. You look old," one country yelled from the back of the crowd.

"I am not old!" IRVC protested, peering around to see who said it.

"How old are you?" Sweden-Norway asked.

"Uhhhhh," IRVC brought out his fingers and started counting under his breath. "Four thousand years? Give or take?"

"I'm going to be honest with you here, that's old," the Golden Horde said.

"Nope, it's not that old."

"Who here is older than that? Or even as old as that?" France called out. Nobody raised their hands. "See?"

"Ok, but what does this have to do with ROE?" IRVC asked.

"Right. Yes. Immortality seems pretty useful, but do you feel pain?" Britain said.

"Yes. Sometimes it makes me wish I could die," IRVC sighed.

"Cool. Anyone else?" Britain said, hoping for some more useful powers to come up.

"I have the power of luck," the League of Lezhe exclaimed proudly.

"Will that help us in the battle?" Britain asked.

"It will help me in the battle. I'm not sure about everyone else. I can control it a little," Lezhe admitted, drawing his wings in.

"Wonderful," Britain said. "Any other powers?"

More powers came up. The Crown of the Kingdom of Poland could stop time for five minutes, only for herself, and she couldn't change anything. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania could see into the future, but couldn't control it. The Kanem-Bornu Empire could phase through walls, and so could her son, the Bornu Empire. The Bulgarian Empire could create portals, but anyone could use them—meaning ROE could pop over to wherever they wanted to go. They also only went away after one day. The Kingdom of Ireland could sort of control gravity. The Emirate of Granada could shapeshift into animals, but can't choose which animal, and can only do so once every hour. He can't switch back into a human either for at least thirty minutes. The Papal States could spawn spikes anywhere, but they just sat there. The Kazakh Khanate could make birds fly to a specific area, but not much else. The Western Roman Empire—who many were convinced would betray them—could use long range telepathy. The Tatar Confederacy could persuade anyone to do anything. If he felt like it. Which was not often. The Egyptian Empire could summon sandstorms, but could not take them away. The Mali Empire, in contrast, could put a single annoying speck of sand into someone's eye that they couldn't get out until she allowed it to. She demonstrated it on Britain, who was not pleased.

In short, not the most powerful powers. But there was one thing that mattered. Everyone wanted to help.

REC left the meeting feeling shaken. If the Roman Empire was back, how long until the French Empire came too? And if she knew about Canada... who knows the horrors she would use him for.

At the end of the meeting, the Dutch Empire had asked if there were any countries who would like to help with the wounded after each battle. Sweden-Norway, Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Ireland were among the many who volunteered. If REC's son was there, his hand would have shot up instantly. Thankfully, REC didn't bring him. He was not going to get involved in a war.

The Kingdom of Portugal was at his house when he arrived.

"Hey! I'm hoping this isn't too much to ask, but could you take care of Portugal for a while? I'm heading off to help with the second Gold War," he said.

"Sure. Don't die out there," REC said.

KoP laughed—despite the red country being pretty serious—as he walked away, "I won't. Thanks!"

REC entered the house to find Canada and Portugal hovered over a dead spider. They jumped up when they saw him.

"What are you two doing?" he asked.

"Wondering how this spider died. Was it from hunger? Thirst? Old age?" Portugal said quickly.

"Or a giant monster, lurking in the shadows!" Canada said, glancing left and right dramatically.

"...all right," REC said slowly, before retreating into the dining room. He settled down at the table, and put his head in his hands. How would they ever defeat ROE?

(1135 Words)

A much more chill chapter to prepare for later events... ^^

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