Chapter Sixteen

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 The French Empire managed to find the Roman Empire pretty easily, despite her memory loss. Her old self had had a few maps that came in handy. His palace, which was labelled as abandoned, was at the bottom of the map.

She spent a little bit longer at her house, exploring for more clues about her identity. She found a few failed pottery experiments, and half finished letters addressed to her daughter. FE also found a room filled with drawings of several countries, all with knives embedded in their throats. They were likely all of her past enemies. FE memorised the flags for future reference.

When she was done, she grabbed her map, and her diary, and set out towards the Roman Empire's old house in search of a clue. It took a long time, but she finally reached it two hours later, sometime in the late afternoon.

"Hello?" she called, entering the overgrown gardens. Red flowers shone amidst the green, like the orange sun in the midst of a raging ocean. Pretty.

"French Empire?" a voice said from behind her. She jumped and whirled around towards the mystery country. He had a red flag, with yellow symbols.

"Uh, hi. I'm looking for the Roman Empire?"

"Yeah, he's here. How did you... get back?" the country asked.

"I..." FE didn't know this country. Maybe she used to, but she didn't know him now. What if he was evil? And would hurt the country who revived her? Best to stay quiet, just in case. "I don't remember. I don't remember anything. All I know is that the Roman Empire was my last ally, so I came to seek him."

Wait, no, she was evil too! How could she forget? Well, it was too late now. She couldn't take back the lie. And she wasn't sure she wanted to.

"Interesting. I'm the Byzantine Empire, son of the Roman Empire. He's training in the courtyard this way." The red and yellow country led the way, and FE followed.

I really hope he won't kill me, she thought, nervously clutching her arm. Was she really going to become evil? Sure. It was who she was. But killing other countries? She hoped she wouldn't do that. But she already did. Twice. And if ROE was her ally, he obviously killed some countries too. What had happened at the end of the war?

They finally arrived, and FE found herself staring into the eyes of an armoured red country, with a glowing yellow wreath floating around his head. He grinned.

"French Empire! I haven't seen you since I revived myself!" he said, shaking her hand. He died too? And revived himself? How was that even possible?

"Hi..." she muttered.

"She was also brought back to life, but in uncertain circumstances, and lost her memories. She knows that you were her ally though," BZE explained to his father.

"That's a shame. You were a formidable ally," ROE sighed.

"I can continue being a formidable ally. I have not forgotten my power, and I know what I've done in the past. I assume you've done the same," FE said.

"You mean murder, right?"

"Yes." Okay, so he was a murderer. Good to know...

"It's good to have you back," ROE smiled again, a large toothy grin.

"It's good to be back," she replied, but she didn't feel like she was back. She was reluctant. And her past self didn't show many signs of this. A spark of fear burrowed its way into her heart. She was never going to be the same.

"How would you know what you did in the past if you lost your memory?" BZE interrupted, eyeing FE.

"First off, everyone immediately ran away from me or tried to kill me if they saw me. And I don't think I smell that bad after being dead for... how long was it?"

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