Chapter Thirty-Two

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The Swedish Empire blinked, finding himself released from mind control. He tried to conjure his ice powers to talk to the Ottoman Empire, but of course, he was not seen. He wandered the battlefield, until he found the Spanish and Russian Empires talking with someone SWE couldn't see.

"So, are we going to talk to the Chagatai Khanate?" he asked.

"She's right here," the Russian Empire sighed, stepping aside. CK stood behind him, a sad look in her eyes. "Dead."

"Fuck. What do we do now?" SWE let out an exasperated breath.

"We need to send them a message," the Spanish Empire said.

"How?" CK said.

"We believe we are able to get wounds as a ghost, proven by SE's scar. If we write something on our skin, it might give them some information," RE explained. CK nodded.

"We were going to do that, until we realised we could just talk with you," SE said. "Now we're back to square one. Except we don't even know what to write. It would be hard to get an actual conversation going about how to stop this."

"If only the Golden Horde was still turned into gold. We could have sent a message along with her before she left," SWE mumbled, sitting down.

The Russian Empire's face lit up.

"I know what we can do!"

"What is it?" SWE, CK and SE said in unison, looking up at him expectedly.

"We tell them to turn into gold. That's a temporary death that doesn't result in memory loss," RE said.

"Perfect! Here, take my sword. Since it was your idea, you can go through the pain!" SE said cheerfully.

"Wow, thanks," RE said sarcastically, but accepted the sword. "What should we write?"

"Turn into gold to talk?" CK suggested. "Nice and simple?"

RE nodded, and began ripping a sleeve off of his uniform so that he could write on his arm. He winced as the blade made contact. The Swedish Empire looked away once he started seeing red.

"Shit, I made a grammar mistake..." he muttered. SWE snorted in amusement, and peered at the yellow, black, and white country's arm to see what he did.

Turn in to gold to talk.

"They won't notice." SWE rolled his eyes.
"What do we do when we're actually able to talk with them?" CK asked.

"Give information. Try to come up with solutions to fix this. At the very least, I want to come back to life if we can't stop this. My memories were important to me before... but now, I'd rather lose them than hurt more of my friends," RE said.

"Same," SE nodded.

"I'm not sure if I would," SWE admitted. He had so many memories... to lose all of them?! Watching his daughter grow up. All of his allies and friends... Every country he saw get revived, eventually wound up regretting it.

But if keeping them meant hurting his loved ones? Maybe it was worth it. "Then again," he continued, "if it pisses off ROE, surely it's worth it!"

The Western Roman Empire jumped as she felt an explosion rock the cliff sides. She hurried to the edge, and looked down into the water. Fire crackled on floating pieces of wood, and there were two shapes in the water. Slowly sinking down.

She looked over to the docks, where several countries were panicking. A few tried swimming over, but quickly grew tired. They were too far away.

WRE looked back to the shapes. It was France and... wait, Denmark-Norway?! She thought her father had killed him! If he made it this far, he should get the chance to make it further.

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