Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sweden-Norway stiffened as she sensed the Ottoman Empire approaching her.

"Do you have any idea where your uncle may have gone?" he demanded, rather rudely in S-N's opinion.

"No. We're not very close," S-N lied.

"Let me know if you see him. We need him on our side," OE sighed.

He shouldn't be forced to join, S-N grumbled in her head.

"Where did those boats from earlier go?" the Emirate of Diriyah was asking Britain.

"They went to the northeast. There's a safehouse that's inaccessible except by boat. They'll be safer there," Britain explained.

"Can I go?" Diriyah said. "I don't want to die, and I already nearly did."

"I would also like to leave. I can't risk this anymore," the Kanem-Bornu Empire pitched in. "Besides, I don't even have a leg!"

A few more countries, including Tunis, the Hafsid Dynasty, the Bornu Empire, and the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti all said they wanted to leave too.

"I'll prepare a few boats," Britain said.

S-N left, making her way up the cliff's slope. She stumbled a few times, but made it safely.

How many were left now? Twenty... Twenty-three, not including Denmark-Norway or WRE. Twenty-three out of forty-one.

She shuddered. They were essentially doomed. They couldn't defeat ROE with all forty of them, how could they do it with nearly half?

"Psst! Sweden-Norway!" a voice hissed from the forest. She cocked her head, and searched for the aura of the power. It was the Kingdom of Granada.

"What is it?" she also whispered, making her way over. She nearly walked into a tree, but her outreached hands notified her.

"I want to attack the Roman Empire. At his own castle," the Kingdom of Granada said.

S-N snorted a laugh. "With what army?"

"You, and me! And maybe IRVC, if he agrees. ROE's got to be recovering from the attack from Denmark-Norway, so now would be the best time!"

"Why not anyone else?"

"I talked with the surviving members of the Gold War, but they disagreed. They thought we needed more time to collect ourselves. And I even tried asking even more people, until I got to you. They thought it was too dangerous. But don't you see? This is the best time! We can catch him off guard while he's asleep, and murder him for our parents," the Kingdom of Granada's tone went dark.

"I..." S-N paused. Two, maybe three, against four of the most powerful countries known?!

But ROE killed her father, and her grandmother. He needed to die before even more countries were hurt, or forced from their homes. Even if it meant they died trying.

"I'm in."

The Byzantine Empire awoke to a creaking sound inside of the castle. At first, he thought it was his sister, who had returned earlier that day.

But there were three sets of footsteps, light as snow, creeping across the marble floor. They were clearly trying to be quiet.

He waited for them to pass, reaching for his spear. What were they here for? His father, no doubt. He couldn't let them kill ROE... Although he was already having second thoughts.

ROE had nearly struck his daughter when she returned. BZE had leapt in front of her, buying her time to explain the situation. ROE had called her useless, among other things.

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