Chapter Six

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France grabbed a few lighters to help start up her powers, and rushed out the door. Chaos was in the streets. Everyone was sharing weapons, panicking, or running away.

"Why did I ever move here," France heard one country—the Emirate of Diriyah—mutter as they produced a sword from thin air.

France fought her way to the outskirts of the village, where she could see the Roman Empire walking closer. He looked unbothered by the amount of countries rising to fight against him.

"France! What's going on?" a voice called to her. Britain ran up to greet her.

"ROE has returned," she responded. Britain widened his eyes.

"Oh. Uh, how can I help?" Britain asked.

"Don't get in the way," France said, lighting up a flame.

"Got it. Okay," he backed away.

Countries gathered in a line to face ROE, swords gleaming in the moonlight. The chaos grew silent as everyone banded against a common enemy.

"Maybe I should leave," France heard the Principality of Serbia mutter to the League of Lezhe, "my powers are literally being unlucky."

"Shush, I'm sure it will be fine," Lezhe murmured.

"I lost a card game with the best cards in the game. How does that even happen?!" PoS insisted.

"I think it's just because you suck."

"Wow. Tha—" PoS was saying before his eyes went blank.

France felt her body seize up, and turn around. Mind control. ROE was here. She dove into her mind, and without even looking at the surroundings, attacked the Roman Empire.

He huffed in annoyance, "you're feisty. Like your mother. Fine, I'll take someone else," he said. France was thrown out of the mind control, just as Britain tried to stab her. His eyes had become flowing water, signifying that it was ROE controlling him.

She blocked with her own sword, and pushed him backwards with her foot. She grabbed his arm, and dragged him into one of the empty houses. She closed the door and dragged a bench in front of it to trap him.

France looked around, and saw ROE about to stab TO while she was mind controlled. She ran forward, flicking the lighter on and sent a blast of flame towards him. It worked, and TO's eyes went back to normal. She immediately ran away from the red country.

The Kalmar Union joined France, and they attacked ROE together. Ice mixed with fire, and ROE was thrown backwards. He picked himself up, and brandished his scythe. He hurled a dagger towards France while using his scythe on KU.

Luckily, both managed to dodge the weapons. KU sent a thousand shards of ice towards ROE, which he managed to evade by jumping to the side. He tumbled to the ground, giving France the change to burn him.

He cried out and scrambled away, rolling around on the ground to get rid of the flames. ROE stood, and sent more daggers hurling at both of them. One clipped France in the shoulder, while one buried itself in KU's chest. He stumbled back a little, but for the most part looked okay.

France gathered fire from a lantern, and prepared for another round of fighting.

Sweden-Norway was disappointed that her powers were little of use when fighting mind controlled Yugoslavia and the Principality of Serbia. Both had very minor powers, and the League of Lezhe, who was fighting with her, wasn't much better. She could swap powers, but Yugoslavia could cancel powers, so she couldn't swap her powers. Meanwhile, PoS had... unluck? And Lezhe had luck, so it would be no use to swap their powers with each other.

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