Chapter Thirteen

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The Emirate of Granada finally got to the village at midday. He was tired, and hungry, but he made it!

The first country he saw was the Empire of Brazil, who looked pretty sad. She looked up as he approached, and her jaw fell open in shock.

"You're alive?! When they found your body, we thought... how did you survive?" she sputtered.

"I thought I died too, but apparently if I die as an animal, I don't die as a country," Granada shrugged.

"Good! I'm sure the others will be happy to hear that you made it back," she said, leaving to tell others that he was alive.

"Dad!" a voice cried. Granada turned to see his daughter, the Kingdom of Granada, running towards him. He hugged her with open arms as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"Hello, dear," he whispered.

"I thought I lost you!" she sobbed.

"I would never leave without saying goodbye."

More and more countries began to exit their homes, welcoming Granada back into the village, asking questions and telling him what he missed.

"Oh! REC is back with the kids!" the Kingdom of Portugal pointed out. Everyone turned around, only to find that they had an extra country with them.

"Holy shit..." KoP whispered.

"It's the Portuguese Empire."

The Portuguese Empire was uncomfortable with all the eyes on him. I mean sure, he was probably the... second country that ever died and came back to life? He only ever heard about ROE. But did they really have to stare like that? It didn't help that he didn't know who anyone was.

"PE! How did you get back? You used to be a ghost!" one country, with a black, white and red striped flag, cried.

"Uh... I don't remember? I lost my entire memory, except for my name," PE explained. "I don't know who any of you are." REC breathed a sigh of relief behind him. On the way to the village, after they caught up to REC, he'd asked PE not to reveal how he was revived. PE was okay with that, as Canada was a nice kid, and didn't deserve to be taken advantage of.

"Oh..." another country, with a white and blue flag, said quietly, looking distraught. "I'm your father, the Kingdom of Portugal. I hope... I hope you regain your memories soon," he said, choking on the words.

"I'm sorry I can't remember you," PE said, embracing him in a hug.

"It's not your fault," his newfound father whispered into his ear. He seemed nice, and PE was glad to have him as a father. Even if he didn't remember him.

The French Empire finally stood up. Despite doing her best to dig inside of her head, she didn't find anything. No memories, except for knowledge about her power that she had no idea how she learned.

She started walking in the direction that the Portuguese Empire and the other countries walked in. Maybe she would find answers wherever they lived.

I wonder if I have any family, she thought as she walked. I bet I'll love them. I hope we were close.

As dawn turned to day, she had a sudden flash of memory. It was hazy, but she could remember the feeling of cold metal sliding into her neck. She shuddered. That was a bad death. She touched her neck and felt a large, healed scar where she remembered the pain.

Soon, she came across a house. Strangely, it didn't seem to have a roof. Perhaps that was normal. But it didn't feel normal to her. Oh well.

She walked up to the door, and knocked on it. A very shocked country with a blue, white and red flag opened it.

"What—" he stuttered. "How the—what are you... huh?!" he slammed the door in her face. She could hear him continue to panic from through the door.

"Hm. Didn't even get to introduce myself," FE sighed, continuing on. She saw another house not too far away, this time with a roof. She set off, hoping for a less weird interaction.

"Hey!" she said when the door opened, "I was wondering—"

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead!" the black and white country said, glaring at her.

"Yeah, I know. I got revived and—"

"I can fix that problem," the country hissed, drawing her sword.

"Jeez, okay. Sorry for bothering you," she said, backing away. "Jerk."

"I suggest leaving before I sever your head from your body."

"Yup. Leaving. Have a terrible day!" FE called as she left hastily. That lady was rude! Do countries usually try to stab unsuspecting visitors? Or was this country just special?

Hmmm. That kid said to turn right, so I guess I'll go there, she thought, passing by the first country's house.

Soon, a few trees came into view, along with some dead ones. FE found her house soon after. The kid was right. It was gloomy. How had she lived in this thing?

I bet the stone walls are to keep my power from burning anything down. But I feel so powerful, how would I lose control? She thought. She entered the house, which was covered in dust. She'd have to do some serious cleaning. A spider scuttled across the floor, before vanishing into a crack.

She walked over to a crudely cut wooden desk at the end of the room. FE blew the dust off of it, and set the diary on top. Books on sign language and how to win wars scattered the desk, so it was hard to find space. She pulled a chair over and sat down, taking a deep breath.

The French Empire stared down at the diary in her hands. Her past self's diary. I can relive all of my past memories this way. Find out what really happened. She thought. Who was she?

She flipped it open to the first page.

(989 Words)

A short chapter this week to prepare for the 3000 words in the next chapter :)

I kind of hate this chapter, as I could have written it a lot better. I might edit it in the future :D

See you next week!

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