Chapter Thirty-One

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The Western Roman Empire breathed in heavily as she was released from mind control. Her sword had been raised over the Dutch Empire, who was shielding himself next to the cliff. She lowered it quickly.

"What happened?" she asked, remembering the scream she had let out.

"I have no idea," DE said, looking around. He lowered his shield. "The ghosts are gone too." He began to wander around, helping injured and confused countries to their feet.

WRE furrowed her brow, then used her telepathy to contact her brother. Do you know what happened?

He's gone. Our father is dead... the Byzantine Empire's voice said in her head.

Won't he come back?

Not this time... a ghost can never die twice.

He did it before. Where did he die? WRE asked, chills running down her spine. If he was dead... that would mean they won. BZE was safe. Everyone was safe. Finally.

I'm not sure, BZE said hesitantly.

Then how do you know he's dead?

The Ottoman Empire said this is what happened when he died in the Gold War.

He could be lying, WRE pointed out.

Oh. Maybe. Could you check in on him? And also tell the Kingdom of France to retreat. Please, BZE asked.

WRE looked around, and noticed everyone swarming around the white country. He took flight immediately, only being chased by the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland.

He's already leaving. But I'll see if I can contact our father, WRE promised. She searched for her father in the archives of her mind, and found him. She'd never tried telepathing a dead country before, so she didn't know if he was alive or not.

Are you alive? She asked. There was no response for... too long. She was about to tell her brother the news, when a weak voice entered her mind.

Barely, the Roman Empire said.

What happened? WRE said. She hoped none of the... disappointment showed in her message.

The country with a million powers stabbed me in the head, and damaged my wreath. Then he tried to push me off the cliff, ROE explained. I took care of him. Her father sent a mental image of... Denmark-Norway falling off the cliff. D-N was the stranger? That sort of made sense. WRE had never even thought of what his powers could be. She'd always assumed it was like his brother—ice.

Good, she lied. She wanted to ask if there was a chance that he survived, but she didn't want to give ROE the idea of checking, and killing him if he did.

Send your brother to get me. I'm pretty far away to the west, hanging at the edge of the cliff, ROE ordered. He was hanging off the cliff?! He must have gotten pretty badly hurt if he couldn't even pull himself up. Of course, he would never admit that.

Will do. Hang in there, WRE said, hoping he didn't notice the joke. BZE, I have good news.

What? Her brother replied quickly.

ROE is alive. But he got stabbed in the head and his mind control was damaged. Go to the west near the cliffs, and you'll probably find him, WRE said.

He's alive?!

Yes. Go quickly, he's still hanging on at the edge. Denmark-Norway pushed him off.


He was that stranger who had all the powers. Dad... killed him,


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