Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The Kingdom of Ireland sat alone on a rock at the final battle sight of the Gold War. His eyes hurt from crying so often, and he felt hollow inside. He had watched his child die in front of him. And then attack him as a ghost.

He closed his eyes and drew his wings into his body, shivering. He remembered what he felt when UKGBI died. It was as if he was watching from outside of his own body. Disconnected.

He still felt that way. Nothing felt real.

Ireland never thought he'd feel this way. After the death of the British Empire, he hadn't felt too sad. Sure, he'd cried. A little. He thought that was normal, despite not liking BE very much.

But this... this was pure torture.

"Hey there," the League of Lezhe greeted him, sitting down beside him. KoIRE blinked his eyes open, staring at the red country.

"Hi," he said, his voice rough. He cleared his throat.

"Do you need some food? The Kingdom of Poland made pierogies, and the Golden Horde made some soup. Or if you are plain and boring, you can have some bread," Lezhe said, not meeting his eyes.

"I... uh..." Ireland didn't know what to choose. His throat was a little dry. "I guess I'll have the soup."

"Great! If you need anything else, don't be afraid to ask!" Lezhe said cheerfully, before heading towards GH, Austria-Hungary and Denmark-Norway.

He came back with a bowl of hot soup, with D-N trailing behind. They both settled down next to Ireland, who gratefully accepted the bowl.

He hadn't realised how hungry he was until he started eating. He quickly finished the bowl in mere moments.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Lezhe finally asked.

Please no... Denmark-Norway signed. But what is it? Ireland turned his head to cock his head at the black-winged country.

"What do you call an evil red country who walks around?" Lezhe snickered.

"What?" KoIRE said, his interest piqued.

"A ROEmer!" he cackled. Ireland couldn't resist laughing alongside him, while D-N's face was scrunched up, shoulders shaking.

That sucked, D-N said.

"You just have no taste," Lezhe scoffed dramatically. Ireland nodded with a smile.

But then he started thinking about the Roman Empire. And then he started thinking about the battle. And then he was thinking about his child. They didn't deserve to die.

Denmark-Norway noticed his expression, and quickly elbowed Lezhe to get him to stop laughing.

"Are you okay?" Lezhe asked. That was the moment Ireland burst into tears. "Shit, I-I'm really sorry. Did I do something wrong?"

"No," KoIRE managed to push out between sobs. "No, it wasn't you. I'm just—thinking back—" he broke off as he was choked by emotion. He had tried to hold it in, but Lezhe's words set it off. It wasn't his fault though.

It was Ireland's fault that UKGBI died. He should have noticed that the British Empire was an illusion. He should have warned them. But he didn't and his child died and it was his—

"I wonder how the ghosts are doing," Lezhe said absently. "I bet they are doing better than us. They don't have to deal with pain anymore. Except for emotion—"

You can stop there, D-N interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah. I wish we could talk to them somehow," the red country sighed.

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