Chapter Forty-Two

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"Mom...?" a voice said.

"Stop. I know it's not you," the Kingdom of Poland whispered.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth lay beside her, blood seeping into the ground. But he was more alive than he'd been before. His eyes were clear. Clear as day and night and water and—

He hugged her.

"You're alive," he sobbed.

"You're... back," she cried back.

"I fought back so hard... but I couldn't get control. I thought I was going to kill you."

"I'm sorry," CKoP buried her face into his shoulder. She spotted GDoL behind them. And she knew RE wasn't far away. They had to wrap this up.

"For what?"

"For killing you," she said, breaking away from their hug.

"Don't worry. I uh... I would've done the same," he said, ripping out her sword and dagger from his chest. He held out her weapons for her to take.

"I'll fight your mother. Maybe I can return her to us as well," she sighed.

"I'll take the Russian Empire, then. I never liked him much anyways," PLC said, smiling softly.

CKoP smiled at her son, before rushing at her dead friend. She flew upwards just as GDoL tried to stab her in the chest. Then she swooped down, kicking Lithuania in the back of the head. The ghost collapsed to the floor, and rolled away from an oncoming attack, leaving her weapon behind. Poland's sword hit the dirt instead, and it got stuck.

Instead of focusing on the battle like she should have, CKoP tried to pull out the sword. However, GDoL had recovered, and kicked her in the ribs, causing a sickening crack. CKoP yelped in pain, realising that her ribs were probably broken.

She stumbled backwards, prepared for a weaponless battle. GDoL slapped her across the face before digging her nails into her eyes. The Kingdom of Poland screamed, biting her hand.

GDoL retreated for a moment, before tearing the sword out of the ground.

The Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, not wanting to deal with an unfair fight, took flight and left promptly.

The League of Lezhe continued to fall. He faced the sky, unwilling to see the ground that would be his doom. Any moment now.

I wish— his thoughts were cut off as he hit the ground.

The breath was knocked out of him. He spun in the air. Wait. The air?

He was lucky enough to grab on to someone's arm as he realised that he was still alive, and still above the ground. He looked down at what he thought would kill him moments ago. Then he looked up.

There was the Kingdom of France, looking very startled and disgruntled. It looked like his sword had been knocked out of his hands when Lezhe had landed on him.

How lucky.

KoF started kicking at him to get him to let go, but Lezhe held on for dear life, biting his enemy and saviour's arm. They slowly soared down to the ground together, grappling with each other until they crash landed.

He was alive.

He was lucky.

At least for now. He spotted KoF grabbing his sword from the ground and charging at him. Lezhe stumbled away, wheezing with pain and tiredness. He still didn't have any weapons.

"You should be dead," the Kingdom said brusquely, flaring his wings in wide, flaming arcs around his body.

"I'm not?" Lezhe said simply, still backing up. Then he turned and ran. He ran and he ran and he ran.

Until his energy ran out and his adrenaline replaced it, until his legs grew limp, until his vision grew so blurry that he couldn't see the rocks he had to dodge below him, until his own wings dragged him down behind him, he grew slower and slower and slower and—


Someone slammed into him, heat emanating from their body, Lezhe fell to the rocky ground, black feathers raining down beside him until he fell onto the hard, jagged floor, first it was hit back, then he damaged his arms, and finally. He hit his head.

And everything went slow.

It was peaceful in a way. The dizziness. The blurred vision. He didn't have to worry anymore. No more quick thoughts about death. Or what life he could've lived. He was here. Now. A blur of red in his eyes. Blood? It had to be. He felt something warm drip down his face and into his eyes. Now it was blood. How long had it been?

He woke up.

Not literally. But his mind cleared as he was pinned to the floor. He had to live. He wiped the blood away from his stinging eyes. Light glared from above as the Kingdom of France raised his sword.

"I'd wish you goodbye," he started, "but I don't want it to be good."

His power couldn't help him now. He was going to die. 

That was, until, the Western Roman Empire stabbed the Kingdom of France from behind. He looked down in shock at the sword in his chest, before WRE ripped it out. He wobbled, stumbled one step forward, and collapsed in a flaming, bloody heap on the ground.

"Oh. Thank you," Lezhe said, stunned.

"You saved me. It was only fair that I did the same," WRE said.

As Lezhe placed his hands on the ground to get up, he felt something cold in his right hand. A coin. His coin. He looked down. It was tails.

As WRE helped him to his feet, he pocketed the coin. How... how could it have been tails?

Something stirred out of the corner of his eye as KoF stood up, slowly, trembling, with a great deal of pain, no doubt. He gripped his sword and glared at the two.

"You thought," he started, "that I would go down without any protest? You're dumber than I thought you were, which I thought to be impossible." He snorted.

"Your intelligence continues to live up to my expectations, which are on par with a speck of dirt," WRE shot back.

Lezhe backed away from the quarrel and tried to find a weapon that he could use. Nobody near him had died yet, both fortunately and unfortunately. As WRE and KoF clashed, he took the time to survey the nearby battles. Over near the rubble of the old palace, a standoff was taking place between Bulgaria, the Dutch Empire, Belgium, and the Principality of Serbia. DE was holding up a shield and gritting his teeth, while Bulgaria repeatedly dropped swords on his foes' heads.

Meanwhile, the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire had just found each other. That was sure to go smoothly.

And finally, not far from where he was, Lezhe spotted a portal where a few countries had likely gone into. Was that snow coming out of it?

He also took the time to notice the absurd weather. Wasn't Spain supposed to be able to control it? Why was it going insane? Lightning continued striking the ground, and even a light drizzle of rain had started. He relished in the welcoming cold of the droplets. It was refreshing, at least.

Hold on. In the distance... Was that a tornado?!

(1170 Words)

Yeah I finished Poland's part ten minutes before this was supposed to be posted AHHHHH

I thought it was done but turns out, me from the past decided that it was too short so I just kept GOING ARGH WHY 

Yeah. Tornado now. I like. I like tornado. 

I apolagise in advance. I won't name names. But. But it wasn't on purpose. I swear. I just. I just needed a test subject. You'll see. You'll see. 


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