Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The Western Roman Empire heard someone screaming a warning, not too far away. She frantically turned her head, but the cloth still covered her eyes. She was helpless.

She had a warning of her own. She tried speaking with OE, then GE, then BE, but none of them listened. Especially since the warning was from BZE himself. He said that the Red Alliance was going to attack, but he didn't know when.

It's now. ROE is going to attack now, BZE said suddenly. Get out of there!
I can't—

There was an explosion, but she didn't feel it. Odd.

WRE placed her head in between her knees and tried to use them to get the blindfold off, but it only made her head hurt. She shook the chains that bound her furiously.

Suddenly, hands were at her head, and she could see again. Bright lights blinded her from above, and it took a few moments to get used to. Finally, she recognized her saviour. The Ottoman Empire regarded her with an empty gaze, before he sped away.

"Wait!" she cried, but he was already gone. She was still chained up. Did he think he was being helpful? If anything, being able to see would make her death worse.

But at least she could distract herself with the scenery. It was chaos, essentially. Nearly everyone was gone, and for a second, WRE was worried that they were dead. But then they began to reappear. Teleportation? Smart.

They were at the wreckage of the old Spanish castle.

There was a second explosion, sending bits of rubble flying everywhere. Again, nearly everyone teleported away, mainly the countries closest to the explosion, then they reappeared. For the people not teleported, a force field was elected above them.

Denmark-Norway collapsed to the ground, visibly shaking.

Are you okay? WRE asked him telepathically.

Turns out teleporting around twenty countries is harder than it looks, he replied.

A third explosion rocked the area, unnervingly close to WRE, who was chained to an outer piece of the walls that used to make up the palace. It was quickly snuffed out, likely by D-N.

WRE looked away from the carnage, and tried to get the chains off of her wrists. Unfortunately, this wasn't in her own mind, and she couldn't just will the chains to disappear.

All of a sudden, she heard the flapping of wings, and looked up. It was... shit...

Not the countryhuman she wanted to see.

The Sultanate of Zanzibar stumbled around, confused, after he was teleported back to the wreckage of the Spanish Empire's palace. They were teleported a few more times, until they finally stopped.

He quickly drew his weapon, in anticipation of an attack. They were lucky that he did, as Francia began attacking him while being mind controlled. Her weapon glanced off of their sword, and he had enough time to punch her in the gut before she tried to stab him again.

She reared backwards, and he placed his foot on her chest, sending her to the ground. Although she was pinned, she wasn't defenceless. Luckily, the first shot she took on their leg did no damage, thanks to his power. The second one didn't either. They placed his other foot on her arm, rendering her sword useless.

Then her eyes went clear. He was about to get up, only to find themself mind controlled. And Francia was still trapped underneath them. He quickly reached inside of his mind to attack the Roman Empire.

They spent no time dawdling at the scenery in his mind, instead immediately attempting to stab the Roman Empire. He imagined a shield and a sword to appear in their hands. ROE was ready, and ducked underneath his first swing while also creating a hole in the ground behind them.

Zanzibar jumped over it, and hurled his sword at their enemy. ROE stepped to the side, but Zanzibar made the sword come back. It sliced through ROE like butter.

They were placed back into their body, to look upon the havoc that ROE made. Francia lay in a pile of her own blood. The Roman Empire didn't need to steal her power. He made that clear.

The Sultanate of Zanzibar stepped back. They didn't know what to do. Should he try to save her? She wasn't bleeding anymore... Her neck was slit and there was a hole where her heart should be.

Dead. Because of him. No. Because of the Roman Empire. Right...?

Save her... The voice in his head begged. But she was already gone. Unsalvageable.

They turned away.

(753 Words)

Short chapter today ;-;

Sorry Slaviore, you can't have both of your favourite characters :)

Have a great day! 

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