Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Denmark-Norway placed a disguise upon himself, despite the fact that literally everyone knew who he was already. It still helped him feel more comfortable. Or maybe not. It probably looked weird.

Shut up, he told himself as a column of ice nearly blasted his head off. He had to focus on his battle with the Roman Empire. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a blue, red and yellow flag. The colours were familiar, etched into his brain.

It's not real, he told himself, but the Byzantine Empire was far away from him, fighting his own battles. This was no illusion. Finally, he looked at Sweden-Norway. Her eyes were black and red, a soulless hole staring at him. Her eye patches were gone. Then her eyes flashed yellow.

I didn't bring her back to life, he thought, and now I have to fight her.

She attacked him, and he teleported behind her, glancing back at the Roman Empire. ROE watched with amusement.

I can't do this. I can't hurt her, Denmark-Norway thought, backing away. He closed his eyes as she cut through his body, over and over and over again. The pain grew tremendously, until finally... he gave up. And fell.

Denmark-Norway was dead.

The British Empire charged at his child, UKGBI, hoping to get the upper hand, but his enemy pushed him to the side, causing him to trip. Before he could even crawl to his feet, he felt something sharp impale through his chest.

The ghost slowly walked around him, before shattering his glass hands with their boot. They left him there to watch in despair as UKGBI punched the Kingdom of Ireland in the face, moments before tearing off his wings and leaving the bleeding, feathery mess on the ground to rot.

BE felt his life ebbing away as UKGBI finished off Ireland. He closed his eyes and prepared for death.

Spain stared at his father. His hat covered his face, leaving only the thin line of his mouth visible from afar. But Spain knew what his eyes looked like. At least, after he'd become a ghost puppet for the Roman Empire to use.

Black and red.

He could spot lightning being charged from SE's hands. The ghosts can use their powers... he thought, backing away.

Spain began to use his own powers. He knew that it was unlikely that he'd be able to dodge. He'd seen his father's work. He could've also just attacked SE, but he was pretty far away. Too much risk of SE simply sending a half charged bolt, which can still do damage.

So he used his power. To change the weather into a thunderstorm. Sure, SE might grow more powerful. But Spain's power would also grow, perhaps to an even larger amount. Plus, it would give him the ability to control whatever strikes SE threw at him.

But even with his powers, he couldn't react fast enough for the lightning. Thunder boomed overhead, shattering his eardrums. His body screamed like it was on fire, and everything went white... before it changed into the navy blue that was the world of the dead.

Died of his own powers.

How ironic.

Austria-Hungary found themself huddled in a corner next to a piece of rubble, shuddering with fear. They didn't know what was going on. All they heard was explosions and the dreadful sounds of screams echoing through their ears.

Then they heard footsteps. It wasn't a friend.

They got up and quickly ran, barely managing to somehow dodge a strike. A-H could hear the blade swoosh through empty air. They continued running, but didn't get far.

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