Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: So a few chaoters ago I was going through all the revived countries' reactions to their deaths and family members and whatnot. Welp, I forgot that I had already done Serbia in this chapter, so I did him reacting earlier in a different way. However, this part of the chapter is decently important, so completely forgot whatever you read a few chapters ago (I'm going to edit that chapter so if you are reading this book later, ignore this message!)

The League of Lezhe and Yugoslavia sat in silence with the Kingdom of Serbia. The revived country had a large amount of bandages around his stomach from the battle.

"So, the country who died was my father?" Serbia asked.

"Yes. You two used to be pretty close," Lezhe said. He didn't know what to think of the Principality of Serbia's death. It came so suddenly. First he was perfectly fine. Then there was a sword through his chest, and no more shine in his eyes.

Yugoslavia stayed silent, a haunted look in her eyes. She'd lost her father and her grandfather. Poor thing...

"What was his name?"

"The Principality of Serbia. How much do you remember?" Lezhe said. He hadn't been very informed. REC had called a meeting for everyone and explained what was going on, and who each revived country chose to give them information about their past life. Serbia apparently chose the Principality of Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Since PoS was dead, Lezhe filled in for him. A-H was supposed to come by later.

"My name. My power. How to speak. How to eat. How to—"

"Alright, we get it," Lezhe said, hiding a smile. Now was not the time to be smiling.

"How did I die?"

"You were stabbed by the Roman Empire and bled out. Now that I think of it... did ROE ever gain his power?" Lezhe turned to Yugoslavia.

"I don't think so. It was never mentioned in the stories," Yugoslavia furrowed her brow.

"Gained my power?" Serbia questioned.

"There's this evil country—the red one with the gold armour at the last battle—who killed a bunch of countries. Apparently he can steal powers and mind control," Lezhe shook his head. "It's unfair."

"Geez. Is it rare to have two powers? I don't think I do."

"Yes, it's unheard of. Nobody knew about it until the last battle of the Gold War, when he killed the Russian Empire."


"He's not important, or alive."

"Okay," Serbia shrugged.

"Lezhe...? Do you think we can find a way to talk to PoS?" Yugoslavia spoke up.

"Possibly. We can find a ghost who can pass on messages between us," Lezhe said.

"I would like to talk with him too! I could learn some more things about myself," Serbia piped up.

"Let's go to Sweden-Norway's house, then. She usually talks to the Swedish Empire or the Kalmar Union, and they can point us to PoS," Lezhe said, heading out the door. Serbia and Yugoslavia followed excitedly.

"I haven't talked with either for a while," S-N said when they arrived at her door. "It's weird. They were supposed to check in a while ago."

"Odd. Do you think something's wrong?" Lezhe asked.

"No. The Swedish Empire can be forgetful sometimes. And maybe the Kalmar Union got... held up?" she furrowed her brow.

"Well, I hope they check in soon! Have a nice night!" Yugoslavia said.

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