Chapter Thirty-Six

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The Western Roman Empire waited in the gardens, holding a rose in the palm of her hand. The thorns cut slightly into her hands, but didn't draw blood. She plucked it from its stem, and ripped each petal out from the middle, watching them slowly drift to the floor.

She'd decided to see if Denmark-Norway was okay. BZE had told her what had happened, after he'd returned from wherever Bulgaria had teleported him. But nearly every country she tried to contact who's been with D-N gave her nothing. They either ignored her, or said they couldn't talk with her.

Bulgaria was the only one who gave her a good answer. He's fine. Still beaten up, but the worst of his injuries are gone. Did you do this to him? He asked.

Of course not! And I'm glad he's okay, she defended herself.

Are you really trying to help us? A lot of countries in this alliance hate you... Bulgaria said.

It's not unlike the Red Alliance. My only friend here is my brother.

Yeesh. Do you have any useful information? I'm sure the leaders might not care much for it, but it might help, Bulgaria said.

I'm sorry, I don't have much. ROE doesn't trust me much yet. Especially after what I did... WRE regretted that a lot. She didn't know D-N was faking his near death. He certainly looked dead. If he died right next to her... she wouldn't ever forgive herself.

What did you do? Bulgaria jolted her back to the present.

I attacked the Roman Empire because I thought Denmark-Norway was going to die. It didn't do anything except get him angry with me, she said sheepishly.

That's brave, Bulgaria commented.

Thanks. But it was useless. Still, I might be able to ask my brother for secret information, WRE said.

That could be useful! So long as the leaders actually accept the info... I think the Dutch Empire and Austrian Empire might be more open to it, but the Ottoman Empire would shoot down any idea of the info coming from your family immediately, Bulgaria said.

"WRE?" the French Empire's voice called from the other end of the garden.

Shit, I have to go. We'll talk later? WRE said to Bulgaria.

Got it. Good luck! Bulgaria said.

"Yes?" she responded to FE.

"Your father wants you," FE said, before tapping her head with an eyebrow raised. She wanted to switch to telepathy?

"Okay." WRE nodded.

What is it? She said, using her power.

I know you plan to betray us. And ROE knows as well, FE said as they walked together.

I know.

FE hesitated, then said something that made the Western Roman Empire stop in her tracks, surprised.

Let me know how I can help.

The Byzantine Empire resisted the urge to pace back and forth as he and the Roman Empire waited for his sister.

BZE had barely convinced his father to not sentence WRE to death. The Kingdom of France certainly didn't help. The French Empire had arrived halfway through the conversation, and was on BZE's side. Perhaps it was because she didn't want to be on the same side as her father, but he was grateful nonetheless.

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