Chapter Eighteen

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The Ottoman Empire widened his eyes as debris fell around him. He'd stopped to take a breath, and suddenly the sky started to fall. Pieces of ice and rocks tumbled around him, but his heightened reaction time saved him.

He managed to cover his head and curl up into a ball, taking only a few bruises. When he no longer heard any more rocks, he tried to stand. Only to find that he was encased in stone.

So that's how the Dutch Empire felt... he thought, squirming around. It was cramped, and he was sore. He wanted to stretch.

"Help!' he cried, but his voice was strained and quiet. A piece of marble had lodged itself in the nook of his neck, pushing down on his vocal cords. Shards of ice littered his body, making him shiver.

I have to get out of here. Who knows how much oxygen I have, OE thought, determined. He pushed with his legs, hoping to create some space, but the rubble simply filled the spot he left. Still, his legs had at least moved slightly.

Next, he pushed out with his arms, causing a few medium sized stones to tumble away. Unfortunately, that let a larger one take their place, pinning his arms to his chest and head.

How had DE gotten out of this situation, thirteen years ago? He never talked about it. Actually, they never talked at all. DE avoided him, so OE did the same. Obviously, he was angry at him. It was because of OE that DE got trapped. OE would probably be angry too. Maybe.

"Is anyone there?" he tried to call out again, but yet again, his voice failed him.

He couldn't give up. DE didn't give up. So he wouldn't.

The Byzantine Empire was confused. Why had his sister decided to attack them? The Roman Empire had her under her mind control, so she could have used that as an excuse to attack. But she broke free.

Maybe she was just stupid, and didn't realise she could have used the excuse. Probably not. Either way, ROE wouldn't be happy after the battle.

BZE ducked under a sword from Prussia, and pushed the Austrian Empire away from him. It made him nervous that his hands were exposed. One touch and he would be just like his father. Luckily, AE turned away from the battle to help Serbia, who was on the ground with blood pouring from his abdomen.

He made an illusion of himself and split up, trying to confuse his remaining opponents. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the stranger that they'd been chasing attack him from the rear. He simply ducked, sending their axe towards Prussia, who dodged sideways.

Then Prussia and AE paused, and looked towards their allies with eyes that weren't their own. Good, ROE got control of them again.

BZE spun around and doubled the amount of arms he had, using them to fake a punch towards the stranger. It worked, and they tried to block it, when in reality, BZE was aiming in a different spot.

The stranger grunted, and kneeled down. As BZE tried to kick them further into the dirt, he was pinned by dark strands. It seemed this stranger was a lot like ROE, except he didn't have to kill a country to gain their power.

BZE was intrigued.

He escaped the binds, and ripped out the spear in the stranger's draconic wing. They screamed in pain and sent a wave of ice towards BZE, who rolled out of the way. A shard of ice caught his cape, and he was suddenly pinned in place. The stranger stood over him, axe in hand.

Perhaps I chose the wrong side. How unfortunate, he thought, with neither a smile nor a frown. He closed his eyes, awaiting the sweet release of death. But all he was met with was a warm burst of air.

He opened his eyes and watched as fire swarmed the battleground. The stranger twisted around and started to swat at the flames creeping up their wings. The ice melted quickly, and the Byzantine Empire was free.

Then he saw the cause of all the fire.

I shouldn't be helping them. The Roman Empire killed me... the French Empire thought to herself as she spread the fire. But where else would she go? Nothing else could fuel her thirst for revenge. Everyone else hated her.

She almost relished in the warmth of the flames. It was like she was letting out all of her rage at once, and it simply died down into nothingness.

"What are you doing?!" a voice cried. Shit. It was one of the kids that were there when she was revived. Now she felt guilty.

I'm sorry, she mouthed, but didn't stop. Meanwhile, a slightly familiar red country placed himself in between FE and the little girl. But why? She would never hurt a child, especially one who had helped her.

She turned around, and began to fend off attacks from two unknown countries. Ugh, she really needed to learn names. One of them had a white and yellow flag, while the other was shrouded in shadow, with large, non-symmetrical wings.

Meanwhile, a red and yellow flagged country was attacking ROE and BZE. It seemed very personal.

FE nearly took an axe to the head, and swooped down low, sending flames to her attackers' legs. They both yelped in unison, and did a funny little dance to try to stop the fire. FE nearly laughed.

She prepared to send more flames, but a wave of water drenched her clothes and skin. The fire around her sputtered out and died.

FE twisted around, and spotted a blue, red and white figure in the distance. He had the same flag as one of the countries who had knives embedded in their picture. She knew him. She'd memorised his face. His powers. His name.

The British Empire.

(993 Words)

Oof shorter chapter today :(

Anyways uh sorry for the confusion but Serbia is NOT dead... yet... It was a result of my terrible writing that ended on a cliffhanger :,D

It's meant to look like Serbia thinking that he's going to die-

Okay bye.

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