Chapter 2

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The raven couldn't take his eye away from Naruto, who had the most gorgeous blue eyes he'd ever seen. He couldn't help but admire the blond's looks and features.

This blond guy was nothing like the model types he was used to dating. He was dressed in a white V-neck t-shirt that concealed the intriguing areas of his body as well as an array of muscles, while his blue denim jeans hugged his hips like a second skin. It graces and enhances his curvy waist like no other and Sasuke had a hard time concentrating on the fact that he needs to discuss the contact and not have any kind of perverted thoughts about Naruto. No other guy or woman he dated had enticing curves this blond in front of him; the ones he dated would perish if they discovered anything else than skin and bones.

He had cerulean eyes that resembled a tranquil sea. His face was flawless, with three whiskers that the raven assumed were birthmarks; it exuded an exciting exotic aura that did something for the raven. His lovely, tanned skin glows brilliantly beneath his t-shirt. His blond hair, which was slightly long giving his features a femininetwist was kept messy and gave off an irresistibly attractive feeling and athawed-out demeanour.

When Sasuke first saw the blond's profile, he assumed he was just like every other blond who hurled themselves at Raven without a concern in the world. He felt Naruto was just another bimbo man he was bringing into his life because he was determined to own what was rightfully his. He observed the blond while he discussed the ordeal with his lawyer, Suigetsu. The way he carried himself, the professional business-like tone, everything was startling and intriguing to Sasuke. He didn't appear to think of Naruto as the powerful, bold professional he imagined him to be, but rather as annoying, noisy, and wild. But he was being proven wrong about Naruto right now.

Shikamaru had convinced him that the blond could pull it off, not to mention that he was out of alternatives at home. Of course, Uchiha Sasuke meticulously studied his background before making the decision, and while Naruto didn't appear to be engaged in the controversy at his previous job, he had become un-hirable since. No one dared to touch him, and for Uchiha, touching the blond became an exciting challenge.

"How realistic are we going to portray this marriage?" Naruto inquired in a businesslike tone; the raven was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't realise he was being questioned.

"Excuse me, realistic? This is a true and legally binding marriage," Naruto blushed slightly, and he wondered, 'Does he really have to spell it out to him?' Naruto paused, then attempted to reword his query.

"Well... Is it necessary for the marriage to be... consummated?" Naruto inquired, and the raven gazed at him for a moment. He had previously considered this, and Suigetsu agreed that no one could legally indicate that they had not consummated their wedding.

Nevertheless, as he gazed at the blond in front of him, Sasuke pondered what he would be like in bed. He made a quick decision to alter the tactical arrangement. 'This should be exciting.' He thought.

"Naruto, it must be a legal marriage, therefore yes, the marital consummation is expected. Will this be an issue?" Sasuke stated calmly, he liked the way Naruto's name sounded on his tongue.

Naruto's breath caught in his throat; he wasn't sure if it was because of the answer or because the way raven pronounced his name out for the first time, and he liked it.

Sasuke studied Naruto's expression, wondering what was going on through his cute little head right now. Had he blown his opportunity with him before it even started? Would Naruto be willing to sleep with a stranger to honor a contract? Sasuke didn't mind, and it worked out just fine for him despite the fact that it provided him with a little sense of security knowing that Naruto was into guys as well.

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