Chapter 5

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Naruto was overjoyed knowing that Simon wanted him to try on his collection and the dresses that there were amazingly gorgeous. Naruto couldn't take his eyes off such beautiful gowns. But a frown appeared on his face remembering he wasn't back at in Japan.

"Honey, if you are worried about cross dressing, then let me tell you that we Americans have that thing too you know" Simon said winking at the blond.

"Do you enjoy cross dressing Naruto?" Ino asked from the couch she was sitting on.

"Yea, sometimes" Naruto said scratching his nape nervously laughing.

"That's great it'll be so fun!" we can get you those extra attires too you know." Ino said excitedly.

"But won't that be too much?" Naruto asked feeling nervous and embarrassed.

"Oh, please there is nothing as such as too much! Let's get you dolled up!!" Ino and Simon exchanged high-fives.

Naruto was exhausted and a little self-conscious after trying on gowns after gowns and dresses after dresses, feeling nervous as some of the comments made towards him felt like tiny but brutal blows from Ino and Simon.

"My, my, if only you had boobs instead of man breasts." "Oh, please, who needs a wedge!" "That is not your colour; you look completely washed out!" "Don't worry, honey, not many people can pull off that outfit!"

Three hours later, he had a full wardrobe of both men's and women's clothing, as well as a slew of new insecurities. His closet now, including work suits, casual outfits, smart casual for outings and lunch dates, and cocktail and formal dress shirts and dresses. He also had about two dozen identical shoes and heels for the suits chosen today, as well as numerous matching ties, cufflinks, and accessories.

Naruto was concerned that this would cost a fortune, but everything went smoothly when he handed over the credit card. Sasuke had mentioned that there was no limit, but he was still concerned. They left the business after Simon wished them success and begged Ino to return soon because he missed her so much.

Down the street a few blocks away was a day spa, and Ino told Naruto that she was treating them to massages as well as a makeover. Naruto's protest was ignored. Ino hoped to shock Sasuke by showing him to this new side of Naruto. She had missed her prior job and wanted to relive it, so they spent the next two hours getting massages and skin treatments at the spa.

Naruto was handed an evening gown for tonight's event that was chosen by Ino and recommended him to wear it, despite his protests. He wanted to make his first public appearance with Sasuke as himself, but he wasn't sure about cross dressing.

'What if Sasuke didn't like it, what if he just thought Naruto was a freak show, what if he wanted to cancel the contract because Naruto let his desires afloat?' were the what if's running through Naruto's mind, thinking he'd be a goner if he went with this plan, but Ino was adamant and wouldn't budge from her decision.

Ino said Naruto farewell and dropped him off at his flat. He had the dress Ino suggested and gave him, and he had the rest of the clothes brought to his residence later.

He is not permitted to see the gown Ino has chosen, and he is not permitted to wear anything else. After arriving at Naruto's location, Ino assembled a team of stylists to assist with getting him dressed. Naruto was quickly styled; he didn't want anything extraordinary, and he wasn't permitted to look in the mirror until the very end.

"We're done, Mr. Uzumaki," the Stylist declared after applying the finishing touches that weren't necessary. Naruto was a natural beauty, radiant, and the stylists only lightly touched him up. They led Naruto to his bedroom's floor-length mirror, where he gazed up to discover that Ino had chosen a gorgeous dress for him that accentuated his curves so perfectly that he forgot he was born male.

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