Chapter 26

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That this contractual love would become real, but one can only wish.

It's been a whole two weeks since the Sakura's fiasco and Sasuke and Naruto had moved forwards with the plan Sasuke laid initially.

But today however was different, Sasuke, Naruto and their friends have flown to Greece to attend an Uchiha wedding.


"Guys let's get settled in the hotel, Shikamaru you collect the keys. Ino and Tenten please you guys can take as many exotic pictures as possible, for your social media, but please can we get settled." Neji said as he directed people around.

He looked for the man of the hour but didn't find him anywhere.

"Hey guys have you seen...." Neji couldn't finish his sentence as someone came and grabbed his shoulder taking his attention.

He turned around to come face to face with the couple who were finally tying the knots after so much online drama and tabloids because of their relationship.

"There you are I thought you would be busy with your fiancé to come receive us." Neji said in a teasing manner winking at the man.

"Oh, shut it Neji, where is everyone else."

"Kakashi? Oh, my god!! What are you doing here you pervert?" Naruto exclaimed when he finally saw the sliver hair man who wore his infamous eye mask that covered his whole face.

"What a pleasant surprise Naruto!" Kakashi said when he saw his old pupil among his guests.

"Wait you both know each other? Wait, why am I getting a sense of déjà vu? And wait a Pervert?" Neji asked as he looked at the two.

"Well, Kakashi used to be our High school teacher back in Japan and to answer your other questions I know why you getting a déjà vu. And well he is a big-time pervert who reads porn every waking second." Naruto replied in a bored tone. Although he was shocked to see Kakashi out of all people here.

"OH, MY GAWD!! It's KAKASHI~~ Ino squealed and yelled scaring the carp out of three grown men.

"What's up with her?" Naruto whispered to Neji as they both eyed the blonde girl.

"I can't believe it!! You are finally getting married!! I never thought we'll see such a pervert ever getting married" Ino exclaimed after hugging Kakashi that made him nervous laugh at the blonde girl.

"Wait? Kakashi is getting married I thought... wait who is he marring?" Naruto asked confused.

He didn't have many details just that they were to fly to Greece to attend an Uchiha's wedding who was getting married and shit he had no idea. He just went with it because well he is Sasuke's boyfriend and also his date in this wedding.

"Married to Me~." came a sing-song voice that made everyone to look at the person coming through the wide glass doors.

"Is... Is that the movies Star Obito Uchiha?" Naruto asked no one in specific and all the other three were enjoying the blonde male's reaction.

"Wait? SO, YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT HATAKE KAKASHI *points at Kakashi* THE FUCKING PERVERT IS GETTING MARRIED TO THE MOVIE STAR *points at Obito* OBITO UCHIHA?! HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT FUCKING POSSIBLE?!" Naruto yelled, gaining other guests' attention which made Obito blush and Kakashi embarrassed.

"Now, now Naruto no need to yell and tell everyone that I enjoy your Grandfather's writing." Kakashi said in a teasing manner, knowing that'll shut the blonde boy up.

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