Chapter 22

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The next morning Shikamaru was right in front of Naruto's door with his tablet in hand as he scrolled through multiple theories and tabloids with images from last night.

He didn't know why he had the feeling that Naruto would be needing him today morning and the good best friend that he is he won't let his blonde friend go thought whatever that this was alone.

He rang the bell a couple of times, and the condition Naruto opened his door he knew he did the right thing by looking out for his best friend.

Naruto felt and looked like crap he didn't want to see anyone but when his best friend came knocking on the door, he couldn't just shoo him away.

"Ohayō?" Shikamaru said as he took in Naruto's disheveled appearance. His hair was messier than he ever saw, eyes red and swollen and his whiskered cheeks tears stricken.

'The situation is worse than I anticipated.' Shikamaru though.

Naruto didn't bother replying to his best friend, he proceeded to open the door wide and went and curled himself in a fetal position on the plush looking sofa.

"I'll make coffee." Shikamaru said not bothering to ask as he knows Naruto wasn't in the state of doing anything.

After 10 minutes he brought a hot cup of coffee and urged Naruto to sit and have a sip from it.

He didn't have the heart to show him the new tabloids that were accessing his and Sasuke's relationship and the turn of event overnight. He was even upset with his boss for making Naruto the way he is right now, contact or no contact Sasuke has no right to make Naruto feel this way.

"Do you want me to cook you something?" Shikamaru asked after a while.

"Mhmm... I guess I should go take a shower." Naruto said nodding his head he didn't want to get out of his comfort zone and face whatever stupid news and tabloids they have published about his and Sasuke's relationship.

But he has responsibilities and up until the 3 months mark, he still isn't a permanent employee at Sasuke's company, and he didn't want to come out a person slacking behind just because he goes out with his boss's boss.

To make matters worse, he had shed tears in front of Sasuke and later at night as well when the raven left.

The things Sasuke said to him were still very raw in his head and he had no idea how the raven had found out about the incident with Sai. He was sure his grandparents had paid a hefty amount to keep his name out as much as possible.

He knew that there were a few people in circle that knew, but they couldn't have given the information out as his father and grandfather was still feared among them.

Shikamaru knew the whole ordeal and he was confident in his best friend that no matter what he wouldn't have out him to Sasuke.

So how did he know? Perhaps, he used some sort of power and money that even surpassed the fear his grandparents and father instilled in them through ages, and he needs to find out who the traitor is among them.

Sasuke had no right to probe into his past, it was true that they were going to get married, but it was strictly business and whatever happened in Naruto's past was none of Sasuke's business.

A new fear was capturing Naruto's heart. If this was out maybe Sasuke might dig up his buried past and even his relations with Kurama and it was nothing but bad news.

He has to do some sort of damage control before Sasuke pry's more into his past that he did his best to move on from.

Job or not he has to set boundaries this all in fact was a fucking hoax that Sasuke pulled just for some mere more fortune and dollars. Naruto didn't care enough for the money but dragging his name and his family's past out for that is not okay.

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