Chapter 17

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"Your father didn't use to work?" Sasuke questioned.

"He did of course he did, but that was only when we were busy with school and my mother with her own work." 'But then things changed, he changed, something with not being enough with the life he was leading.' Naruto certainly didn't spoke about that part of his father's life.

'So, if his father didn't need to work in the family's presence there has to be money and power involved,' Sasuke was sure of it, he wanted to know more about the blonde's family that apparently his best investigators couldn't dig out.

'Covered up,' Sasuke thought as he considered all of the material provided by his private detectives and hackers. He realized that information about Naruto was either scarce or completely lacking.

It wasn't enough to deem the person completely nonexistent, but it was enough to keep a few people from finding them, and 'normal' people have no way of getting that done.

It was as if his past information had been purposely concealed, and he was now certain that money, power and influence without it, they could not do so.

He looked at Naruto who was busy washing the rice, a distant look in his beautiful eyes leaving Sasuke to his own thoughts.

Was Naruto not what he showed? What was he hiding? His background information about his family, especially his father and brother, was eating him up inside, and he wanted to find out the complete information as soon as possible.

Sasuke knew if he further pressed the topic he would be moving into an uncharted territory, so he cleared this throat and immediately thought of a change in the direction of their conversation.

"So, tell me what are you cooking tonight?" Sasuke asked slowly to bring Naruto out of this thoughts. He tried not to make it obvious that I was admiring the blonde as he worked around his kitchen.

"Oh... sorry I didn't realise that I just took the ingredients and started cooking. Well, I am making curry rice with meat patty. I hope you like it." Naruto said who had his sleeves rolled up, a dish cloth over his shoulder, as he quickly went to cook the rice.

"Oh, nice I love curry! But don't make it too spicy please." Sasuke said as his cheeks took on a slight pink hue.

"Oh... haha you look cute when you blush Mr. Uchiha. I was sure that you looked like a man who would love and can handle something hot and spicy." Naruto said his tone huskier as he teased the raven for revenge from earlier.

"Well, I assure you that I can handle hot and spicy but that's a different kind, if you want I can show you for sure. Mr. Uzumaki." Sasuke husked inching closer to the blond.

Naruto balled his fist tightly, the raven sure was better at such games than him. But he wasn't one to back down from a challenge either.

"What kind Mr. Uchiha?" Naruto felt proud of his steady voice that didn't give out the affect Sasuke had on him.

"The kind that requires you to be chained to my bed and headpost Mr. Uzumaki." Sasuke's deep baritone rang meticulously in Naruto's head, and he wanted to experience the kind of spiciness the raven was talking about. Although he did have a hint about it, he wasn't gonna show it though.

"Chained, am I being convicted?" Naruto dared ask.

"I can give you a couple of reasons and *pulls back a little as he traces his eyes checking Naruto out with slowly like devouring him alive* it depends what mood are we in, we can definitely try some when we consummate our wedding. What do you say Mr. Uzumaki?" Sasuke said trying to control himself to just bend the blonde over the counter and ravish him right there and then till he's screaming his name, like his dreams have been playing the imagery since the day they started frequenting these dates.

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