Chapter 20

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"What? No, don't say that.. you are perfect Naruto. Your imperfections are what makes you so perfect. Mom, Dad and me and everyone loved you the way you were and are and I am so happy that you have embraced the part and have become this amazing person that I love to call my brother."

"Never call yourself a defect, you are everything and more one can ask for. And My Naruto Namikaze is a fighter and the greatest son, brother one can ask for. Naruto you don't know how long I searched for you. I felt like I was dying. Mom gave me your responsibility. You were like my own child that I raised alongside Mom and Dad. And I haven't been the same since that day, Naru."

"Losing Mom was bad but not knowing where and how you were, killed me and then after these many years of search I finally come across a tabloid of Sasuke dating another man at first I really didn't care but when Itachi showed me your pictures and your name I knew right away it was you."

"I missed you Naruto, I missed my brother." Kurama finished as he looked at Naruto who didn't speak a word.

Naruto didn't know what to say obviously he missed his brother and all this time all he wanted to do was hold him and cry, his family he always wanted.

"Naruto, Dad never told me what happened that day but I really want to know. You need to talk, you need to tell your aniki. I'm here Naruto and you are not going to lose a family again." Kurama said his tone a little serious.

Naruto nodded. He never could have imagined that this day would come so soon. His elder brother was sitting right in front of him.

"How are you? Where were you all this time?"

"I was with our grandparents."

"I should have known Tsunade baachan wasn't one to be easily tracked and I am sure she and Jiraiya ojichan used their connections to hide from us." Kurama said, rubbing his chin. Naruto didn't try correcting him and kept mum. He knew what he was keeping in was a big secret but the state and circumstance, he met his brother he wasn't ready to reveal it just yet.

"They changed your name too? You just introduced yourself as an Uzumaki." Naruto just nodded his head at that.

"I wanted something more to remember Mom by so I suggested it. I anyway liked it better than Namikaze" Naruto said fidgeting his fingers on his lap.

'After that day, I didn't want to have Namikaze go with me.' he kept himself from saying that.

They talked for a while, catching up on their lives. Naruto was very well aware of Kurama's status. He knew his family background and why his grandparents tried their hardest to keep him safe from all this.

Jiraiya always taught Naruto about the scenarios of the family he lived in. Jiraiya himself was a yakuza who married Tsunade who was the minister of Japan at the time, and how they fell in love with each other.

His father was no other story, taking after his own father as a brutal yakuza that feared no one except his wife. His parents loved each other, and he could only wish to ever have a love like the one his parents and grandparents had.

But the power and money as a yakuza is what took his mother and family away from him. And as he talked to Kurama about all those years, the day his mother was brutally murdered right in front of his very eyes played on repeat.

"What happened that day?" Kurama finally asked. He knew his mother was murdered after his father was drugged but his father refused to talk about it and became distant later. While the very man he killed the Italian mob recited the one just to fuel his burning rage.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it." Naruto said.

"But Naru.."

"Please aniki, having you here right in front of me is enough shock for the day. Please." Naruto begged.

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