Chapter 30

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After getting away from the herd of paparazzi bombarding them with camera flashes and questions, they were finally on the way to Naruto's apartment.

The drive back to the apartment was not that long and now there were nearby. Naruto was a bit more awake now as he thought all about the conversations he had with Sasuke's mother Mikoto.

"I didn't know you're very close with your Uncle Izuna." Naruto said softy as he looked at the Sasuke's face.

"Hn, he wasn't all that bad," Sasuke said in a shake of his head.

"But with the will he left for me and Itachi as a final joke or whatever it was, had me annoyed to hell and beyond. But still it doesn't mean that he wasn't important to me, he was family and will be. Izuna always wanted us to settle down with someone who we can love and cherish and have our babies with." Sasuke said with a distant look in his eyes as he missed the looked of longing, want and shocked on Naruto's face.

"Uchiha weren't always rich and loaded with money, before him, my grandfather's worked hard to achieve the life goals, the millions we the Uchiha's have today. He witnessed it all and so he also always prioritized work over love and never settled down. Even the girl he was madly in love with at the time who was waiting for him but after many years she finally left and met someone else to grow her family."

"Izuna regretted it. The day he realised what he lost and can never retrieve it back, it was all too late and all he could do was watch her from the sidelines being happy with her husband and family she created and loved." Sasuke continued.

"He would be the only Uchiha to ever actually agree with your statement about power and money not being the most important thing in the world. When me and Neji were establishing our business early into the stage we ran into some financial losses as I got sued over. Although later it was established that it was just a move to degrade my business and Uchiha's name, I still had lost a huge chunk of money and business over it. Both Itachi and Izuna wanted and tried to buy my shares but I felt like I would be going off too easy so instead Izuna brought the shares in my company off via a pseudo name so I could keep going. And... well, the rest you know."

"Do you ever think what if he hadn't added the limitation in his will what have you done?"

"Hn, for staters... I wouldn't have tried to find myself a partner." Sasuke said that had Naruto feeling like someone was squeezing his heart in a very bad way but he tried to keep his frown and sadness away from raven eyes.

"You have no idea how long my attorney and lawyers have tried to search for a loophole in his will and all we could settle for I had to get married in order for me to have those shares back be it a man or a woman."

Naruto didn't know what to think of that silently he was thanking Sasuke's uncle Izuna for including such a clause in his will if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have ever met this raven who he fell in love with.

Thinking he hasn't said a word out it the blonde settled for a change in the topic.

"I hope we haven't stolen Obito and Kakashi's thunder." Naruto said chuckling softly.

"Hn, don't worry you haven't. I wasn't going to do that but, after the last mistake on my part followed with the article, I needed to rectify and clear things as soon as possible and make the world still believe I was seriously smitten with you and that there was nothing between me and Sakura. So, I sprung it on a week before with the help of Obito of course. Were you surprised?"

"Well, yes, I was. I obviously knew that we already had finished our 3 months mark, but I thought whenever it'll be you would tell me beforehand since we go according to a plan. So, yea... I was a little off guard." Naruto said smiling shyly.

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