Chapter 1: Netflix Night

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"Sass. We have landed. Come on get up!" Trevor was shaking me vigorously now.

"I'm up. I'm up. I'm up!" I opened my eyes and saw Trevor standing next to me. I stood up, grabbed my carry on, and walked off the plane with Trevor by my side. I saw Connor sitting on a bench with our luggage next to him.

"Hey Dad!" I grabbed Trevor's hand and smiled up at him.

"Ready to go home?" Connor stood up and passed us our suitcases.

"Nah I think I'll stay in the airport. Alone. Without any money for food. Without anything else to survive." I dramatically and sarcastically commented.

"You spent all of your money already?"

"That's what you got out of that?"

"Oh yeah! Oh no Katie you have to come home." Connor put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad look. Not even two seconds later all three of us were busted out laughing. People were staring.

"We better get going." Trevor said making us stop our fit of laughter.


"Trevor, Dad?"


"Yeah, Kay."

"Just seeing if you two are up yet." I stood up, stretched and made my way to the kitchen to put up the empty bowl of popcorn from last night. We had watched Netflix all night when we got back to the apartment.

"I'm starving!" Trevor complained.

"That's why we have people that grow food and make food." Connor replied.

"That's why God gave you two hands and feet." I commented walking back into the living room and sitting on Trevor's lap.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I'll remember that when you want to go get some to eat." Connor remarked.

"I can cook."

"Oh really now?"

"Mhmm." Okay I've never really cooked before. I mean pancakes isn't that difficult to cook. We were never really allowed in the kitchen at the orphanage unless we were doing dishes so I didn't get to watch the cook prepare the little bit of food we got.

"Well how about you cook us dinner tonight." Connor offered.

"Well since Trev is the guest.." I turned my body in his lap so I could face him.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

" about spaghetti?" He offered.

"Sounds good to me." I turned my head to face Connor. "Is that a big enough obstacle for me to tackle for you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Good enough. And hey I can video it for my video on Monday."

"Good idea, Con!" Trevor exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and saw it was empty.

"Hey dad!" I yelled to him in the living room.


"We have no food!"

"We'll go to the store. Go get ready! Oh and I'm taking you two to breakfast!"

"Okay!" I ran to my room to get ready. I did a sloppy bun with my hair. I put on blue sweats and a grey oversized shirt. I put on my layer of mascara and slid on my vans. I walked into the living room and saw the boys waiting on the couch. They were talking about something. I hid behind the counter and listened to part of their conversation.

"..she needs to know sooner."

"I planned on telling her at breakfast."

"Okay just don't dump it on her all at once."

"I know..." I walked in which made their conversation end immediately.

"I'm ready."

"Okay let's go. By the way, I'm vlogging this." Connor said and ran out the door.

"Even in sweats, you're stunning." I smiled and kissed Trevor's cheek.

"Come on let's go eat breakfast." I said and dragged Trevor to the car.


We just sat down at our table at IHOP. I'm a little nervous. I mean come on, who wouldn't be? Ugh I'm about to explode if he doesn't say something. 1, 2, I go.

"Sowhatwereyoutwotalkingaboutthismorning?" Yeah I said it and it came out as a blur.

Adopted by Connor Franta (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now