Chapter 32: Please and Thank You

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I woke up in a dark room. I sat up and looked around. I was in here all alone. It was super dark and the only lights around are the street lamp lights streaming through the window and the light from the buttons on the oxygen machine.

I rested my body back down and picked up my phone. I had text messages from people that I didn't have their number programmed and Instagram and Twitter tags.

I clicked on my text messages to see I had texts from Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, Zoella, Alfie, and Connor's brothers and sister. They all had around the same message; they are sorry and wish they could be here. I saved their numbers and clicked on my Twitter app. I had mentions from the girls. They posted our picture and had the same exact caption, Our Girl except they had different emojis. I favorited and retweeted them all. I also did my own tweet.

@Katieswizzle101- Thanks for all the get well wishes! When I get out of here I'm filming my first video. So be ready, YouTube fam!! ❤

I closed my Twitter app and opened up Instagram. I had tags from the boys, the girls, and some fans.

The boys had our family pictures of me with them, except Jc and Trevor. Jc had a picture of him helping me out of the tree at the park when we took our family pictures. It was captioned: I wish I could take her to the park now and maybe take some of this pain away...

I liked it and screenshot it. I clicked on my tag from Trevor. It was a collage of 4 pictures. There was one of me and him cuddling in my room at Ricky's house, our Tumblr picture me and him took earlier, one of me performing on stage at the concert, and lastly one of me in the hospital bed, passed out, with wires and cords everwhere, and my oxygen mask. He captioned it: When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet, will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

I let a tear slip from my eye as I read this. It landed on my oxygen mask and made a noise. I liked it and screenshot it. I commented, Cause darling I will be loving you, 'til we're seventy. And baby my heart will still fall as hard as twenty three. ❤

I checked the time and it read 4:34 am. I checked some other tags I had from fans. I folowed a few of them and liked a few pictures. I set my phone down around 5:30. I tried getting as comfortable as you possibly can in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask and wires everywhere. I finally sliped off into a sleep.


"I wanna flyyyyy but I just can't live without youuu yeah you make me cryyyyyyyyy." Trevor sang. I opened my eyes and saw some people sitting around my room and Trevor entertaining them. The people on the couch were clapping, I guess trying to give Trevor a beat.

I removed my mask and contemplated on talking. I opened my mouth as a doctor came in the room.

"Ah, you're awake! Now I can give you you're results." Connor stood up and walked to the bed. He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I ripped it away and scooted away from him.

"Now that we have the tube out and you're throat has healed, you can start talking."

"Yay you can talk!" Jc cheered.

"But if you start talking now, then you can risk straining your vocal cords. If you strain them again there's a chance you'll never be able to sing again. So I advise minimizing the talking, but it's your life, your mouth, your vocal cords, your career. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just telling you what could happen." I glanced down at my lap.

"Thanks doctor." Connor said. He shook the man's hand.

"Katie, I don't mean to be a horrible person it's just my job to tell you what could happen." The doctor said and rubbed circles on my back. I glanced up at him and gave a small smile. He walked out and Ricky got up and shut my door.

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