Chapter 24: The Trip To Jenndrea's House

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I walked in the house and the smell of pizza hit me. Like oh my lord the guys didn't clean up the house before people came over. On my way to my room, I stopped and grabbed an Arizona out of the fridge. I climbed up the stairs and opened my door. I walked in and stood in front of my closet.

I don't know exactly what to bring to a sleepover because I've never really had one. Me and Sadie lived in the same room together so it was like a sleepover every night...I guess.

I looked at the bottom of my closet and saw the bag I had packed for Kian and Jc's house. I stared at it for a moment then picked it up.

"Yeah we got bad blood!" Kian, Jc, and I screamed. SuddenlyI heard the tires skidding and I saw the headlights coming towards me. I turned my face, ready for the embrace and felt myself being jerked up and a body rushed next to mine.

"Kian! Jc!" I screamed before I heard a big bang and everything went black.

I dropped the bag and stared at it. I stomped on it with my right foot. I kicked it and it went under my bed. I felt the tears stinging, ready to pour but I denied them the access too.

I ripped white and black tribal shorts and a plain white tanktop off of hangers. I grabbed my toiletry items and threw all of it in an old dance bag of mine that I brought with me. I walked to my dresser and pulled out an oversized shirt and bum shorts. I also grabbed underwear and a bra. I threw them in my bag and jerked it off my bed. I walked out of my room in a huff and slammed my door on the way out.

I slammed my Arizona on the counter and walked outside. I tossed my bag on the patio table and slumped down in the lawn chair. I watched everyone around me having fun.

I realized I was still in my bikini. I got up and walked back in the house. Instead of going in my room and being faced with the memories again, I decided to go to the laundry room and pull a pair of clothes out of the dryer.

I walked to the laundry room, avoiding the piles of crap everywhere and opened the dryer door. Thank Jesus my clothes were washed. I pulled out white high waisted shorts, a lime green, laced crop top, underwear, and a bra. I quickly stripped my bikini and tossed it in the washer. I put on my new change of clothes and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I turned off the light and closed the door. I was walking through the kitchen and passed by the clock that read 10:05 pm. I rolled my eyes and continued outside.

I slumped back down in my chair around a campfire and propped my feet up on the chair in front of me. Gradually, people got out of the pool and sat around the campfire I was sitting at.

"Well we better get going." Lauren said, standing up and adjusting her bathing suit. All of the girls stood up and, of course, Jack. I picked up my bag on the way inside. Jack ran and got a change of clothes out of Andrea's car.

"We're gonna change real quick, Katie. You can wait in here if you want or you can wait in the car." Andrea said, picking her clothes up out of her purse.

"I'll wait in here." I smiled and plopped down on the couch. I was contemplating on whether I should tell that girls about how I don't really like cars but I was interupted by my phone ringing. It was Connor trying to FaceTime me. I hesitated but answered it anyways.

"Hey babygirl!!" A smiley Connor appeared on my screen, waving.

"Hey." I faked a smile.

"How are you? Is everything okay? Do I need to leave tour early? Do I need to talk to Ricky? Should I-"

"Dad I'm fine. Everything is okay. Don't leave your tour early I would only feel guilty." I faked another smile. "Plus that only messes with my emotions." I mumbled the last part.

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