Chapter 29: Savory Sauce?¿

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"Katie, wake up." Someone wss vigorously shaking me. I recognized the voice but couldn't exactly put my finger on who it was. I opened my eyes and saw Connor.

"DAD! YOU'RE HERE!" Okay yeah I understand I sound like a 5-year old. In my defense, the last time I saw him I was drugged on medicine by the doctor in the hospital and the only reason I know he was there is because I saw a picture.

"Yeah I'm home. And I'm home for a while now." I jumped out of my bed and into his arms. I missed his hugs.

"And in honor of me being home, I'm bringing you out for lunch."

"Lunch?" I furrowed my eybrows in confusion.

"Um yeah it's 11:30." He said in an 'obvious' tone.

"Well then I better get ready!" I jumped out of his arms and ran to my closet which still had clothes in it because I left some here.

"I'll leave you to get ready. We leave at 12:15. I have reservations." I laughed and he walked out. I pieced together skinny jeans, a white dressy shirt, and tan flats. I slipped them on and walked to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and cleansed my face. I left my hair natural since ut had cute waves, just adding hairspray. I put on my make up and sprayed my body spray from Victoria's Secret, that I left here, on my body. I smiled at my appearance and rushed out of the bathroom. I ran to the living room. I saw all 4 boys on their phones. Classy.

"I'm ready." I said in a sing-song voice. They all shot up and stared at me.

"Well then let's go." Connor shoved his phone in his back pocket. We rode the elevator to the lobby. I raced Trevor to Connor's car, of course.

Truth is, I'm happy I'm back in Minnesota. I missed the cold breeze and the nice, sunny days. I haven't really thought about Sadie which, I guess, is a good thing. I'm also happy my dad is back. I finally have my rock back. I'm not saying the others aren't  reliable or anything its just he's my dad ya know?

"And we have arrived!" Connor yelled as we pulled into the parking lot. We hopped out and walked inside.

"Reservation for Franta." Connor said to the lady at the podium. She flipped through a book and smiled at us.

"Follow me." We followed her to a table set off to itself in the crowded restraunt. There were two extra seats at the table though. I wondered who they were for.

We all sat down leaving the two seats to themselves. Connor wasn't even sitting near me. He was sitting next to the two empty chairs. I was sitting by Trevor and Jc.

"You okay?" Jc whispered to me, I'm guessing he saw my hurt expression. I nodded my head and looked at my lap. I felt the table jerk some and I looked up to see Connor's mom and dad. I tensed at the sight of the woman. The very rude woman. She smirked at me and took a seat. His dad smiled sincerely at me and took a seat.

Everyone engulfed in their own conversations. I sat there as the seventh wheel. I listened to a story about Connor's mom's plants dying and how she cried over it. I mean I don't need to listen to the woman's sob story over dead plants.

"And I, of course, had a funeral for my poor baby begonias." She sniffled and I rolled my eyes. "They were full of so much life. I don't know how they died. They were all I had since you, Connor, left." Okay I've had enough.

"While you're complaining over your precious begonias, I'm going through a traumatic loss of my best friend, basically sister. I don't get to go to a funeral for her, but I have to hear about your plant's funeral? I think not. And what about Sadie, she was full of life? But I know how she died. She was hit by a drunk coward and smashed into a tree. The only thing I have left of her is her ballet slippers. I'm sorry that you only have a hand shovel left, but atleast you can get another plant to replace the one you lost. Oh and by the way, she was ALL I EVER had. I'm thinking now that maybe, just maybe if I hadn't left then she would still be here. I'm tired of the sob story over a freaking plant." I threw my napkin on the table and scooted my chair back. I heard Connor apologizing for my behavior. I can almost feel his eyes burning into my head, engraving permanent disappointment.

I ran to the bathroom before my tears fell. I caught them on a paper towel before they ruined my make up. (Yes I put actual make up on not just mascara.)

I walked into a stall and locked it. I was scrolling through my news feed on Instagram when I got a text.

Trev-Trev: You need to come eat. Connor ordered you food.

I got up and unlocked the door. I slowly walked to the table and sat down. I made no eye contact with anyone. I didn't speak. I just sat down. I stared at a steak in front of my face next to some kind of sauce in a cup. I grabbed my knife and fork and cut a piece of steak. I dipped it in the sauce and placed it in my mouth. It tasted funny when it hit my tongue almost as if my tongue was numbing.

I was halfway finished chewing when my tongue started swelling. It swole up so fast in seconds I couldn't talk. I started to panic. I frantically grabbed my phone and opened up the notepad. I typed:

I can't breathe!!!

I passed it to Trevor whose eyes grew when he read it.

"Connor we have a problem." He passed the phone to him and I felt my neck start to get tight. I grasped anxiously at my neck. I was gasping for breath when my toes started getting numb. Connor's eyes filled with fear as his face filled with panic.

"Are you allergic to- ohmygod tree nuts. That sauce is made me with walnuts!" He yelled. He jumped up, as did everyone else but me. I couldn't breathe and my airway was closing.

Ricky jerked me up in his arms. He grabbed a straw, which I was confused why. I was choking for a single breath. Ricky ran me to the car.  He jumped in and I sat on his lap. Once Trevor got in he threw me on his lap.

I was clutching my thoat and gasping for air. Jc climbed in and Connor started driving. Ricky took the wrapper off of the straw and had Trevor hold my mouth open. He wriggled the straw halfway down my throat. It sounds stupid and gross but it saved my life. It was the only way to keep my throat from swelling shut. I layed, sprawled out over Ricky and Trevor long enough to see my life flash before my eyes.

We arrived at the hospital and Ricky ran me inside. I honestly have never seen someone move so fast. But he moved quickly enough without causing the straw to get caught.

A nurse came running to us with a roll away bed. Ricky placed me there, gently. I was rolled off with the sight of Ricky in tears. The nurse had taken the straw out when I came in so my airway was closing and it was closing quickly. My red, puffy eyes grew wide as I took my last breath. My eyes shut and I felt my heart beat in my brain.

Oh god I hope this isn't the end!

But if it is,

I am reunited with Sadie...

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