Chapter 31: Sharpie Markers and Paper

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Trevor's POV: (ooohh a new pov!¡)

"Hey. Yeah she's sleeping." I let go of Katie's hand and walked to the door to greet the girls. I was the only one in her room besides her.

"So what exactly happened to her?" Jenn asked, taking a seat on the couch. Everyone found somewhere to sit. I sat down next to Katie in her bed.

"Well, Connor came back and had reservations at a fancy restaurant as a 'I'm back!' thing. His parents showed up. I don't know if that set her over the edge because it looked like her and his mom didn't like each other-"

"Yeah I think she told me there was an issue when they first met." Lauren interrupted me.

"Yeah. Well his mom was talking about how her plants died and that she doesn't understand why and that she had a funeral. Katie blew up saying stuff about how she's going through an actual loss and that she doesn't get a funeral for Sadie-"

"Oh gosh! I forgot about Sadie! Wow Katie's gone through a lot in a short period of time." Rebecca interrupted.

"She really has. Anyways, she threw her napkin down and ran to the bathroom. I had to text her to come out after Connor ordered her a steak with the restaurant's signature sauce. Apparently it had walnuts in it. Walnuts are tree nuts and she is deadly allergic to tree nuts-"

"I didn't realize walnuts are tree nuts!?" Andrea exclaimed, interrupting me.

"You wanna hear the rest of the story or not?" I said in an angry tone. They all got quiet and nodded their heads.

"So she pulled her phone out and typed that she couldn't breathe. I passed it to Connor and he freaked out. Ricky ripped her out of the chair and grabbed a straw. He rushed her to the car and had me hold her mouth open so he could stick the straw down her throat to keep her throat from swelling shut. We arrived at the hospital and Ricky rushed her inside. They layed her on a roll away bed and took the straw out. On the way to a room she stopped breathing. They had to cut her chest open and put a tube down her throat to get her to breathe. She was out for 2 days."

"Wow. That girl is a tough one." Arden spoke up after minutes of silence.

"Yeah. She's my tough one." I said, squeezing her hand and kissing her cheek.

"You two are adorable. #goals!" Jenn exclaimed.

"Shut up, you and Jack are cuter."

"But we aren't actually together." She mumbled. It was a few more moments of silence before I felt my hand being squeezed. The girls all shuffled in the bathroom before she sat up.

Katie's POV:

I groggily sat up to see Trevor. I looked around the room and saw a purse sitting on the floor. I pointed to the bag on the floor next to the couch. He laughed.

"Which genius left their purse?" Trevor yelled. I looked at him like he was stupid and he smirked at me. I heard a few muffled voices coming from the bathroom.

"That would be mine." Andrea said and walked to her purse. I tried to yell but nothing came out. She looked at me like I was stupid. I grabbed my board off the dresser and started writing on it. I wrote, 'I can't talk... :('

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'll give you a hug though!" She stopped walking to her purse and changed her course to me. I smiled and took my mask off. I hugged her and she walked to the bathroom door and opened it up. I placed my mask back on my face.

"You should all come out now." Andrea said and opened the door up. I wanted to scream SO bad when I saw the other girls but I couldn't.

"Hey, Katie!" Jenn said and waved. I waved back. She looked at me for a second and glanced at Trevor. I held my board up and she sighed.

"I'm so sorry! Life is taking you on one hell of a ride huh?" I smiled past my mask and nodded my head. She hugged me tight.

"But you're one strong soldier." Lauren said and gave me a hug. I squeezed her a little tighter.

"Yep. After everything you've been through you still manage to keep your amazing smile on your face." Arden said. She fist bumped me and we did our hand shake. She looked like she was about to cry so I hugged her. I felt my shoulder get wet and I parted our hug and looked at her face. She had a few tears falling. I wiped them off with my ring finger since my middle finger had a heart monitor thing and my pointer finger had a bandaid on it.

"I say we take a picture." Rebecca spoke up. I nodded my head. Everyone crowded around my bed.

"Trevor, do you mind taking it?" Andrea asked. He shook his head no and took her phone. I wrote, 'Love my girls ♡♡♡' on the board. I went to take my mask off but was stopped by Jenn.

"Keep it on. It makes you look stronger." I removed my hand and picked up the board. I smiled even though I had the mask on. Trevor snapped the picture.

"I have an idea! I'll be back!" Andrea yelled, running out of my room. I shrugged my shoulders and allowed everyone to sign the back of my board. Andrea came rushing back in the room with papers and Sharpie markers.

"So each girl take a paper and Sharpie." She held hers up and it said 'My Little Angel' with an arrow pointing downward. Each girl nodded and wrote theirs. I firgured I should do something cute on my board so I wrote, 'Even when I can't talk (or breathe), we find our own ways of communication.' I had 5 arrows pointing around the outside of the board.

Everyone crowded around me and we held up our signs. Jenn's said 'One hell of a girl'. Lauren's said 'My Strong Soldier'. Arden's said 'She's stronger than me'. Rebecca's said 'Even with a mask, her lipgloss is poppin'. They all had arrows pointing to me. Trevor snapped a picture.

"I wanna Tumblr picture with Katie..." Trevor started pouting. We laughed and Andrea handed him paper and a marker. I wrote, 'My Boy ♡' and an arrow pointing to him on my board. He wrote 'My Strong Girl ♡'. Jenn snapped the picture.

"Okay so now Trevor can't pout because we took his picture!" Andrea joked. We all laughed, including Trevor.

"Send me the picture!" Rebecca yelled to Andrea.

"Same!" Jenn yelled.

"Ditto!" Lauren yelled.

"OOH AND ME TOO!" Arden yelled, coming out of the bathroom.
This is kinda sorta a filler chapter. But at least you get it! Anyways, have fun and be safe tonight if you're celebrating. I've already been swimming. We're supposed to go to the beach and have fireworks and a band later. Oh and FOOOOOOD! Okay I'm done. Bye!

-Emma out ✌

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