Chapter 14: Vocal Warm-ups

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"You, Rick! How's it going?" A man I did not know yelled to Ricky from the stage. We were walking into a theatre type place. There were rows and rows of seats and a HUGE stage.

"Hey, Martin. How's everything?"

"Well I'm doing good. The kids are good too. So you ready to warm up them vocals? You still on for the concert in 2 days?"

"Yep, actually my sister here is gonna perform with me now. She's got a hella voice and I want her to become famous. She can dance too. Also she can hit a softball. I haven't seen her but I trust her word." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in a hug.

"What's this sister's name?" Martin, I think it was, said.

"My name is Katie Mae Franta, but you can call me Katie, Kate, KayKay, basically anything. Except Kay or Sass. Those are taken for two very special people." I informed the man.

"Well to think I thought you were shy. Welcome to my stage, Kate. Have fun. I wanna hear your voice before you practice with ol' Rick man." I nodded.

"YO YO, T-MAN HIT THE LIGHTS!" I faced Ricky and gave him a confused look. He shrugged his shoulders and walked off stage. Trevor gave me a sympathetic look...then ran off the stage.

"We're ready when you are!" Martin yelled to me from the first pew. I walked to the microphone and just stood there. I gazed at all of the seats. I tapped the microphone and I heard a noise which means it is turned on. I glanced at Ricky and Trev. They both nodded their heads and they both had a HUGE smile on their face. Martin gave me a thumbs up.

I thought hard about what song to sing. I finally settled on I Hope You Dance by Lee Anne Womack.

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,

You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,

May you never take one single breath for granted,

GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,

Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,

Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance." I ended up walking around the stage a little. Movement helps me focus. I had Trevor in tears and Ricky filming me. Martin had his mouth dropped which I guess was a good thing. A few people had trickled in from the back. So I was now singing in front of people I hadn't been introduced to.

"Dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.." I ended my last note and took a deep breath. I exhaled and got applause. Trevor came running to the stage and Martin and Ricky walked to the stage.

"OH MY GOD THAT WAS INSANE!" Trevor wrapped me in a warm hug. I hugged him back and released the hug. I put the microphone back up and turned to Martin.

"Was that a good vocal warm up?" I asked sarcastically.

"Girl! Ricky said you could sing. I didn't know he meant you could belt out notes! Man, that was amazing!! You play that well in 2 days, you might be looking at a record deal!"

"Thanks. I never thought I was good." I smiled and played with my bracelet.

"I sent a video to Connor. He LOVED IT! He wishes he could be here the night of the concert." I smiled knowing my dad liked it.

"Well Rick you need practice too. So let's get to it. Yo, Trevor you wanna warm up too?"

"Yeah. Martin, I'm performing Saturday too." Trevor responded.

"Yeah, man, I know. So what songs we gonna perform?" Martin asked.

"Well I'm gonna do Thunder and Lightning, Stars, Ordinary, and Nobody." Ricky said.

"I'm doing XIAT, Slay, Darkside, Echo, and Now or Never." Trevor stated. They all turned their focus towards me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What songs you gonna sing?" Martin asked me with a 'duh' look.

"Oh. Uhh I don't know. No one is coming to see me though."

"No no no no no no no girl. You is gonna sing in front of the croud. They gonna be happy you came so let's get to pickin' some songs." Martin exclaimed. He seems to perky for my personality. It kinda bothers me.

I pulled out my phone and texted Ricky.

Me: Who exactly is he? And why does he talk like that?

Ricky-Picky: He's my stage manager. And he says it makes him feel powerful if he talks like he's 6. Idek gurl! :)

Me: Your comment omg! I'm dead!!

Ricky- Picky: Don't die on me now! Con might kill me! On the bright side, we'd be reunited.

Me: OmG i CaN't EvEn RiGhT nOw!!

"Yo, Katie. What songs you wanna play?"

"Ummm..." I honestly couldn't think of a song.

"She can sing Thinking Out Loud." Trevor said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay so I'm thinking, Thinking Out Loud, Never Be Alone, and you pick the last one." Martin said and started writing some things down on a clipboard. I gave him a weird look because um excuse me but uh how did he know I like Shawn Mendes?

"What? Most kids your age like him." I rolled my eyes.

"What about Break The Distance?" I offered.

"Sure. So Break The Distance, Thinking Out Loud, and Never Be Alone. By the way, Ricky mentioned dancing. Wanna do a routine?" He was still scribbling on his clipboard.

"Sure. I'll do The Climb by Miley Cyrus."

"Okay so The Climb is your dance routine song. And then the others you'll sing?" He asked.

"Yup." I replied messing with my bracelet, once again. The two boys did some warm ups and practiced a few songs. I just watched them. Martin walked on stage a couple hours later.

"So I've gotta close up here for the day. Nice meeting you, Katie. See you Saturday. Nice seeing you, Trevor. And Rick, good seeing you again, my man!" He shook our hands and we left.

"SHOTGUN!" Trevor yelled again. Yet again, I climbed in the passenger seat. Trevor climbed in the back and started pouting. We laughed and I cranked up the radio. Today was pretty stressful!
Hey guys!

So chances are most of you like #Kevor. Right?

-Emma out✌

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