Chapter 16: Taco Bell Spaz

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I jumped into the Taco Bell booth. Literally, I jumped. Connor passed me the 12 tacos in a box that me and him were going to share. I grabbed one and ate the whole thing in 3 bites. I was SO hungry! I wasn't even worried about the way I looked while eating it. I already was wearing my dance routine costume, messy bun, and performance make up that was now pretty much gone so I didn't really care.

"Um, Katie, how many tacos have you eaten?" Ricky asked setting his food down on the table and taking a seat.

"3. Why?" I asked taking another bite.

"Katie, you usually only eat 3 tacos tops. And you've eaten 3 in 2 minutes." Sam said.

"So! I haven't eaten since my poptart this morning with Trevor which was like, what time is it now?"

"11:27." Sam stated.

"Right okay so my poptart with Trevor was like 15 hours ago. So let the girl eat her tacos. Alright?" They all nodded their heads and turned back to their food. It was silent for a moment. I decided to change that.

"So, last time we ate in a Taco Bell like this was right after I was adopted. Now look where I am." I smiled at the memory at the Taco Bell in Minnesota.

"Yeah, you've come a long way." Jc said and took another bite of his Mexican Pizza. I finished my sixth taco and threw my trash away. I climbed back in the booth and checked my mentions on Twitter.

I had reached 999,769 followers, so close to one million. I looked at some pictures I was mentioned in

@tacobellcaylen- I just had the best day ever! I saw Ricky, Trevor, and Katie perform some songs. I even saw Katie do a dance routine! BEST DAY EVER!!
Attached was a picture of me with the girl. I remembered her. She was the one who gave me a keychain that said 'Frantastic Performer' engraved on it. I retweeted her tweet and favorited it. I favorited a few more and set my phone down. I glanced around the table and saw everyone engaged in their own conversations amongst each other. Except for Connor. He was staying to himself. He wasn't talking, moving, or eating really.

I climbed over Ricky and Sam and sat on Connor's lap.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I tilted his head up to face me. He had tears in his eyes.

"I, uh, got a call today from the orphanage. They, um, got a call from your birth mother." I stared in Connor's green, glassy eyes. I was in utter shock. Why does she want me now?

"Katie, I'm not giving you to her. She didn't even call to try to get you, not from what I understood. She just called to make sure that Mrs. Duece didn't give any information to you about her. I got the call only because I signed paperwork saying if any of your relatives called or tried getting in contact, I would get notified." I took it all in. Well I tried to. I just sat there, frozen. I was frozen in place. Then it hit me, why is Connor upset if she wants nothing to do with me?

"Why are you upset then?" I asked. I didn't move a muscle. I stayed in my same position.

"I was afraid of how you would take it. And I thought you might want to go back since she got in contact with the orphanage." I shot my head to look him in the eyes.

"I will never, EVER, go back to that place. And I will never, EVER, leave you or the boys. And that is a promise I will keep." I felt myself start to get dizzy and my breathing got heavier.

"D-dad, I, uh, need to lie down qu-quickly. Ple-ease." He noticed what was happening and the boys let me lay on the booth. They all stood around me. I felt everything go back to normal, slowly. I eased myself up and opened my eyes. Every one of those boys looked worried. I just gave them a weak smile. I saw their expressions lighten a little.

Jc held his arms out. I crawled into them. He held me tight. Tight enough that I could hear his heartbeat ringing in my ears. He lifted me up and brought me to the car. He slipped in and kept me in his grasp. I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep to him humming to some song on the radio.


"Trevor, I can carry her to bed." Jc whispered.

"Yeah I'm sure you can but that's my thing." Trevor retorted.

"Trevor, I am carrying her to bed. That is final. Don't argue with me. She is my sister." I felt the bumps of the stairs. We made it to my room and I was placed in bed. I was covered up and kissed on the forehead.

"Goodnight little-but-big sister. I love you." Jc whispered in my ear. He walked to my door and walked out slowly, shutting the door on the way out.

I rolled over in my bed and tried to get comfortable but I couldn't. I tossed and turned for a while before I heard someone open my door. I heard someone walk in so I closed my eyes and pretended like I was asleep. The figure sat on my bed near my stomach. They had their back to me.

"You're probably asleep right now, but I thought that maybe you'd hear me. Like in those movies when the loved one talks to the one lying in the hospital bed in a coma and somehow they hear what the loved one said." It was my dad.

"Of course, you're not dying. And you're not in a coma but maybe you can still hear me. Anyways, I came in here to tell you that you rocked it tonight! Like I'm so proud of you! You're everything I've ever wanted and more. You killed your singing performance and your dance routine. I couldn't have been a prouder father." I smiled with my eyes still closed.

"I was able to leave my tour for a day so I took the first flight out so I could come see you perform. And boy am I happy I made that decision! Well, I'm headed back to tour in a few hours but I won't miss my goodbye this time. Oh I'm also setting you up an appointment with a doctor for your panic attacks. Only because I love you, Kay." My smiled faded.

"Well, good night, babygirl. I love you and I will see you before I fly out. Sweet dreams!" He turned around and kissed my forehead. He stood up and straightened his pants. He walked very slowly to the door. Right as he was about to close it, I said,

"Goodnight Dad. I love you too" He stood in place for a few seconds, then closed the door. I rolled over in my bed and faced the window. I processed everything I was told. I then replayed the whole day in my head. Everything including eating a poptart.

Adopted by Connor Franta (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin