Chapter 27: Dead, Drunk Driver

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I tapped her arm to see if she was awake. She wasn't. I sat down in the chair in the corner. I pulled my knees to my face. I cried a little into my knees.

"Excuse me, miss." I looked up and locked eyes with a nurse.


"Are you family to Sadie?" I nodded my head yes because I'm basically family to her, the only one she has.

"Do you know her condition and what happened?" I shook my head no.

"Well, Sadie was walking back from the store when a drunk driver slammed into her. Instead of rolling over the car she stuck to the front of it. The car continued on its path and ended up hitting a tree. Sadie got smashed. She crushed every rib, and punctured a lung. She also shattered every bone in her legs. And has a minor concussion. The condition could be much worse. Although, there is a very high risk of her not making it through the night. If she wakes up that's a good sign. If not then we have no choice but to pull the plug by morning." I stared blankly at the nurse.

"Did the driver survive?"

"Oh yeah! He is getting stitches now and then he is free to leave." The nurse grabbed Sadie's chart and walked to the bed. I climbed out of my position and made my way to the room where they get stitches.

I walked into several rooms that all had women in them. The nurse specifically said HE so I know it's a man. I pushed one door open and saw a man that still looked pretty drunk getting stitches.

"Not to close woman!" He said to the nurse pulling the threead through. I walked up to him and was only inches away from his face.

"Listen here, dweeb. You put MY sister in the hospital. SHE is unconscious and may bever wake up. HER conditions are fatal. And it's all because of YOU!" I screamed.

"Ma'am please calm down." The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me but this man needs to here what he's done to my only family." I stared at her and she looked away. She picked up the needle and continued.

"MY sister is in the bed. Not YOU. If I weren't half asleep and if you weren't drunk, I'd beat the crap out of you!"

"Hey, hey, hey, keep it down!" He looked around the room as if he wasn't dazed by a word I just said said.

"Hello! Drunk nimwit look right here." He looked at me and smiled.

"Don't smile at me, jerk! I'm about to put you in a hospital bed myself! If YOU ever come ANYWHERE near me or MY sister again, you'll live to regret it. It's ashame our society has to deal with this bull crap!" I glared at the man and walked out of the room. Thankfully the nurse didn't call security. I walked back to Sadie's room. I walked in and a head turned to face me.

"Katie?" I smiled and ran to the bed.

"Sadie! Ohmygod I missed you!"

"I missed you too. I need to ask you something." She moved her head slightly.

"Of course anything." I pulled the chair right next to her bed and grabbed her hand."

"Remember Stella and Bella?"

"Yeah. That's your ballet slippers."

"I want you to have them." A single tear fell from her eye.

"What? Why?"

"Promise me you'll fulfil your dreams in them." Another tear fell from her eye which made me start crying.

"Okay. W-where are they?" I choked out.

"They're in the top drawer of the dresser. I had Mrs. Duece drop them off earlier." I smiled at her through my tears and stood up.

"I love you, Kay." She took a deep breath.

"I love you too, Say." I squeezed her hand and walked to the dresser. I opened the top drawer and sitting there is Stella and Bella. I pulled then out and turned around to show Sadie.

"Say, loo-" Her heart moniter started flstlining and she was bouncing around the bed.

"SADIE!" I yelled. Nurses came piling in and I was rushed out. I sat in the waiting room, in tears, holding Sadie's most prized possession.

"Miss?" I looked up and saw a doctor in front of me. He looked kinda glum. I stood up and folded my arms across my chest, still holding the slippers.


"I'm sorry for your loss, but Sadie's body couldn't deal with the trauma. She underwent a seizure that caused her heart to stop. We tried everything possible but nothing worked. I'm so sorry." Suddenly memory after memory flooded my brain. Every time me and Sadie rode or penny boards in the hallway. The time I snorted chocolate milk out of my nose and we laughed for hours about it. The time we shot our music video. All the times we danced in our room. The times we did our handshake. They all just came flooding back one after another.

"So, you're saying that my sister is dead? My only family is dead?"

"I'm so sorry we tried everything possible. Her body was just too small for all of the trauma it went through." I looked past the doctor and saw the man who hit Sadie. I pushed past the doctor and ran to the man. I grabbed his arm and spun him around.


"I'm so sorry. Is there something I can do?" He seemed to have sobered up.

"Bring me my sister back." He just stared at me with a simpathetic look.

"I SAID BRING MY SISTER BACK!" The room started spinning, vision went blurry, knees started shaking, and then everything was black.


"Yeah she's fine. It was just a panic attack. Thanks for your concern." I heard that same nurse that told me all of the information about Sadie. I opended my eyes and saw I was laying on the hospital floor. I sat up slowly.

"What happened?" I asked the nurse who was sitting next to me.

"Well, you were yelling at a man and then you had a panic attack. We layed you down. You were only out for 30 minutes maybe?" She looked at her watch then back at me.

"So it wasn't just a dream? Sadie really is dead?" She nodded her head and I looked down.

"I know how hard it is, to lose someone so close to you. I know you and Sadie weren't related. But the orphanage manager told me I could give you information."

"Who did you lose?" I asked crossing my legs and placing my hands in my lap. She looked down at her lap.

"I don't mean to upset you!" I said, trying to cover up for what I just asked.

"Oh no you're good! Actually, I gave up my 5 year old daughter to an orphanage. Yeah I pushed her through the doors and left. I ran away from my problems. Well, she wasn't my problem but her father was. He didn't want her and threatened to kill her so I gave her up. I called the orphanage the other day to make sure she wasn't given any information of me. I don't want her tracking me down just to find a stupid girl running from her problems. The lady said she was adopted. And that's all I know about her." My heart fell. This is my mother I'm talking to. I can't believe I actually have met my mother.

I hate her.

I hate everything about her.

My phone started ringing so I excused myself to go answer it. It was Ricky calling to say that their flight leaves soon and that he'll be here with Jc and Trevor. I didn't tell him about my mom or Sadie yet.

I walked back to the waiting room and grabbed Bella and Stella.

"Look I have to go." I didn't make eye contact with the lady at all. I just grabbed the slippers and ran out the door. I decided to go to mine and Sadie's park.

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