Chapter 23: Canon Ball

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"Katie I...just want to say I'm sorry. I can't believe I acted that immature yesterday. You don't deserve everything that happened. You're a nice girl. Jc and Ricky told me about the whole...penny board thing yesterday. And trust me, Trevor had a few words over text messages. I'm so sorry I added to the stress. I just feel that I'm the cause of all your pain." He stared at me in my eyes the whole time. I saw at a few points his eyes would tear up but they would soon leave the surface of his eye. I took everything he said in and chose my words carefully.

"You didn't cause all of my pain. Sure, you are some of it. I mean you wouldn't come 5 feet between me, but you're not all of it. I had a broken rib and concussion from a coward and my own father I can't see for months. He shows up for a 'surprise' but it only turns out to hurt me. I've grown to hate surprises now, thanks to him. Now, I have emotions I've never had in my whole life. I've never cried this much. I've never been this happy. I've never been so excited. I just used to be a plain, boring, no emotion tennage girl. Now I have emotions. And they are throwing me for a loop. Not to mention my panic attacks are becoming more frequent. The accident caused me not to want to do the simplest thing like get in a car or hold a cookie. All because a stupid idiot didn't use their break or horn and slammed into the side of the car. So you aren't my problem nor are you the cause for my problems." I ranted. I stared at my hands the whole time. I didn't once make eye contact because I knew if I did then I'd lose it and I'm trying to die down on my emotions. Although, I want a hug right now.

"Katie I, uh, I didn't know all of this was going on. I knew about the accident but I didn't know about Connor and the panic attacks. Look, I understand him coming and going is messing with you. Hell, it's messing with me seeing you like this, but I know you're strong enough to get through it. Especially since you've got me." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Thanks, Keegan!" I laughed to myself knowing he was gonna say something about what I just said.

"No problem, Carrie." We laughed it off and stood up.

"Hey, we found our nicknames we've been wanting. So you wanna go find the other boys?" He asked me.

"We sure did! And sure why not." We raced to the kitchen and saw no one. I glanced out the kitchen window and saw someone jump in the pool.

"They're outside swimming." I raced up the stairs and found my way to my room. I closed my door and locked it. I walked to my dresser and pulled out my bikini top and bottoms. I slipped them on and walked to my full length mirror. I studied my appearance. I had a white bikini top that had white, lace cloth falling over the front of it, so it's more like a crop top, along with white bottoms. I stared for a few more moments before I was interrupted by a knock at my door.


"It's Kian. I was gonna walk outside with you if you wanted."

"Okay. I'm coming." I grabbed my aviator glasses and let my hair fall down out of my loose ponytail. I opened my door and clicked my light off.

"Ready?" I asked. Kian had blue swim trunks on and no shirt. He nodded his head and once again we raced down the stairs. I beat him to the back doors but stopped in front of it.

"Promise you won't tell the boys what I told you?" I asked placing my whole body in front of the door so he couldn't get out.

"They need to now, Katie."

"No they don't. Promise?"

"Fine I promise not to tell the boys." I smiled and opened the door, but I instantly closed it.

"One more thing?"

"What is it Katie? I wanna go swim!"

"Let's cannon ball together and get it on video." I smirked an evil smile. He did the same and I, very quietly, opened the door. I set up my phone for the perfect shot of it. Luckily,the others didn't see me. I walked back to Kian. He was hiding behind a lawn chair. We nodded our heads at the same time and stepped out from behind the chair. I hit the record button and we smiled.

We had decided earlier to grab hands right before we jumped in. That gives us like 500 feet from where we start to do whatever.

"Go." He whispered. We started running and I did two front flips and a cart wheel. When I landed my cartwheel, Kian had caught up with me and we grabbed hands.

"CANNON BALL!" We yelled at the same time. We splashed in and continued holding hands. We swam to surface and raised our hands, that we were still holding, in the air.

"That's called success bi-" I stopped myself from cussing. "That's called success amateurs!" I let go of my brother's hand and hoisted myself out of the pool. I turned my camera off and watched it. I uploaded it to Instagram and tagged Kian

Katieswizzle- Cannon ball with my fave ❤ @KianLawley

I set my phone down and walked to the diving board. I paced my steps and did a front walk over into the pool. I came to the surface with pain by my rib. I decided enough flips for a while. I swam to the boys and they applauded me.

"That was great!" Ricky cheered.

"Awtzum dudeee!" Jc yelled.

"Sass has moves!" Trevor joked.

"Connor's missing out on this!" Kian said. I shot him a glare and he nodded like he wishes he could take it back.

"Why do you say that?" Sam asked Kian. He looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look. I know it's wrong for him to lie to them so I nod my head, telling he could tell them.

"Well.." Kian explained it all. Everyone seemed to understand and accept my feelings. Kian only told them about my opinions with Connor though, thank the lord.

The sun is now setting and Sam and Jc barbecued burgers for everyone. Ricky had called Andrea and the other girls along with Jack and asked them if they wanted to join. Of course they did and we night swam and had burgers. It was a pretty chill night, but I can't take my mind off of the conversation me and Kian had. Kian actually thinks he is the cause of my problems. That makes me feel horrible!

"Everything alright?" Jenn walked up to me and sat down in the lawn chair next to me.

"Life could be a little better." I played with my bracelet.

"You know I'm here if you need me." She rubbed my shoulder.

"Yeah. Thanks." I looked up at her and smiled.

"How about you come over to Jenndrea's house and we can have a girl's night."

"Um..okay." I smiled.

"We already talked to Ricky about it. He said it's fine. And if you want you can stay a while. Kinda like a getaway." She moved from her chair and was standing in front of me. She grabbed my hands and helped me up.

"Go get packed. I'm gonna tell everyone." She smiled and I walked inside.

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