Chapter 6: Right On Time

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"Katie. Katie. Katie. KATIE!" Connor was in my face trying to get me to talk to him, but I wasn't giving in.

Here's what happened. Okay so we were eating the pizza and they wouldn't shut up about who won the hockey game last night. And who was the better hockey team. So I said let's play the quiet game. We played it until after lunch..because Trevor couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer. So Connor called time-out and asked if me and him could keep the game going. We did. Trevor was our referee. So yeah, you guessed it, Connor lost. But the deal was we had to keep our mouth shut all night until we had to leave for the airport. So that's what I'm doing.

"Katie Mae Franta. Please talk. I lost the game. Which means you won. So you can talk now. Please talk." I looked at him right in his eyes, then crossed my eyes. He laughed which made me laugh. I like seeing my dad happy.

"How much longer until I move to California?" I smiled after I said it.

"YASS MY BABY TALKED!!" Connor cheered.

"SASS TALKED SASS TALKED SASS TALKED!!" Trevor cheered. They were both dancing around the room. I sat there laughing until I glanced at the clock. I stopped laughing instantly. I jumped up off the couch.

"DAD IT'S 7:45!!" I shrieked.

"So.....oh no!! Let's go!!" Connor yelled running to his room. I ran to my room and grabbed all of my stuff. I ran into the living room and met the boys. I didn't stop running I just rounded the corner and out the door I went. I took the stairs and had a cab waiting when the boys came out the door.

"COME ON I WANT TO CATCH MY FLIGHT!" I yelled out of the passenger side door of the cab. Trevor slung open the backseat door and threw his things in. He jumped in and Connor did the same. The whole time I was yelling "FASTER!".

The cab pulled up at the airport at 8:08. That means we have 22 minutes until our flight leaves. And our gate is at the other end of the airport. Great. How could this be happening. Thank god Connor already had our tickets so we ran through the airport to our gate.

Yes we were those people that dramatically run through the airport to catch our flight. We got those glares from innocent people. And the people dodging out of our way. Trevor even did the jump over the chairs to hand the tickets to the lady. I got a picture!!

We sat down in our seats at exactly 8:30. We made it. No one will ever believe this happened! The plane was delayed a few minutes after we got on so that gave us time to settle in. Of course I had to tweet this very unfortunate happening.

@Katieswizzle101- We made it right on time. And when I say 'right on time' I mean our flight leaves at 8:30 and we boarded the plane at 8:30! @ConnorFranta @TrevorMoran

I switched my phone to airplane mode and plugged in my headphones. This flights won't take but like 2 hours. So I closed my eyes and felt the plane take off.

In 2 hours I will be living my dream completely. With people that care for me. And love me. People that love me for me. And they don't abuse me. That's all I could ever ask for. And then I fell asleep

I hope y'all realized when I do italics like that it means she is thinking. When I have a username and the use italics then that means it is a tweet or post on Instagram. Just wanted to make sure that was cleared up. ☺ Thanks!!

-Emma out ✌

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