Chapter 26: Hospital?!

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up straight and allowed my eyes to adust to the light. I noticed that I was still in the fort. I guess after the Skype call I fell asleep.

I got up and followed my sense of smell to the kitchen. Lauren was standing over the stove with a spatula in hand, flipping pieces of bacon.

"Morning." I groggily, said.

"Morning!" Lauren replied with a lot of pep in her voice. I don't know how someone could be that happy after they wake up.

"So Jenn mentioned last night that I could stay here for a while, is that still an option?" I ask, taking a seat on the counter.

"Of course! Do we need to run by Ricky's house?"

"Yes, please." We ate breakfast and gradually the other 3 woke up. We all got dressed and piled back into Andrea's car. On our way to Ricky's house, we jammed out to the radio. This time in the car I didn't need the window rolled down, but I was still hesitant at red lights. I mean I'm a work in progress right? (Pun HIGHLY intended.)

We pulled up to Ricky's house and all jumped out. We walked up to the house laughing. I unlocked the door to reveal 6 bodies strung across the living room. Wow. Just wow. We stepped over bodies and climbed the stairs to my room. I opened up my door and flicked the light switch on.

"The last time I was in here was a year ago after me and Ricky went on an all-day hike." Andrea spoke up, glancing around the room. I walked to my closet and pulled out my smallest suitcase. I suddenly heard music and turned around to see Jenn playing her iPod.

The next two hours were spent packing my clothes in a suitcase while dancing. It was great. I know it doesn't usually take 2 hours to pack a small suitcase but come on, it's ME with 4 OTHER girls and MUSIC. That's a deadly combo.

I zipped the bag up and picked up my phone. Jenn turned off her iPod and we walked downstairs. The boys hadn't moved from the spots they were in two hours ago. We silently laughed to ourselves and stepped over their bodies once more. I was almost to the car when my phone started ringing Bad Blood by T. Swift. I answered it and instantly felt my blood run cold.

"Hello?" I answered into the phone, setting my suitcase on the ground.

"Hey Katie, it's Mrs. Duece." My blood ran cold and my heart started racing. "I'm calling off of Sadie's phone. There has been an accident."

"What do you mean an accident?!" I yelled through the phone unintentionally.

"Sadie was walking back from the store and was hit by a car. I'm so sorry." Tears stung my eyes and I felt my whole body start to quiver.

"I-Is she ok-kay?" I asked feeling my knees become weak.

"She was just rushed to the hospital. I'm so s-" I hung up the phone and ripped my suitcase off the ground and threw it in the trunk before my knees could give out. I slung open the car door and climbed in.

"Airport. Please." I basically comanded Andrea.


"If you don't drive I'm penny boarding or walking. Better yet I'll run." I went to open the door and Andrea locked it.

"I'll drive." I wiped my face and unlocked my phone. I dialed Connor's number. It went to voice mail so I left a message.

"Hey Dadd-io. So I'm on my way to the airport. Sadie had an accident and is in the hospital. The boys don't know I left. I'm with the girls. Don't freak out and don't leave your tour early. Just wanted to let you know." I hung up. I sounded all nasaly from crying.

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