Chapter 11: Dinner Date.

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I woke up to the sound of voices. I kept my eyes closed but eavesdropped on their conversation.

(R-Ricky, J-Jc, T-Trevor)

R- Do you guys know what happened to her yesterday in the car? She was talking and joking around with us but then she just clammed up. I haven't noticed that before.

J- No, but I was wondering the same thing. I might know what it is though.

T- It may had been a beginning of her panic attacks. I'm not sure of the signs of them. She would've said something though. I hope..

R- She gets those? Trevor didn't you use to have them.

T- Yeah when I was 5! And not just that but she's also 15. She's a teenager. And she's a girl. These things affect people in different ways.

J- That's true but I don't think we should say anything to her. She doesn't need to be pressured to tell us something personal like that.

R- Yeah, that's true Jc.

T- I just don't want to see her suffer. I feel so close to her. Like I don't want anything negative happening to her. She's my baby. I can't let her suffer.

J- It's okay, Trevor. Everything is fine. I'm gonna see if Connor knows anything about these things.

R- I'll go call him. You two wake her up. It's 4 in the afternoon she's been sleeping for 10 hours.

I heard footsteps walk up the stairs. I heard muffled voices walk in. I tried my best to act like I was sleeping. I didn't want them to know I heard their conversation about my anxiety.

"Hey, Sass." Trevor shook my shoulder, softly. I rolled over and faced him.

"Hey." I sat up and kissed his cheek. I was laying on the couch in the living room. I guess I fell asleep after sunrise.

"You hungry?" Trevor asked me, helping me stand up.

"Yeah, I am." I stretched and yawned.

"Well I would like to take you on a date. If you want to." He blushed a little and looked at the ground. I giggled some.

"I would love to." I said, he smiled.

"Well I will take you at 7. It's 4 now. Is that enough time?"

"Just enough. I may have you come curl my hair again." I joked, nudging his arm. He laughed.

"Just call me in there and I will." I kissed him and walked up the staircase. Halfway up I yelled,

"See you at 6 for my hair!" I heard him laugh so I proceeded to my room.

@Katieswizzle101- Dinner date with my fave! :) @TrevorMoran

I took my phone and headed to the bathroom. I hooked my phone on the charger and clicked on Spotify. I played my favorite playlist. I jammed out to my music while taking a shower. I haven't had time to do that in a while.

I got out and tied my hair up in a towel. I walked to my suitcase and pieced together a casual but fancy outfit. I picked a white, sheer blouse and a pair of black leggings. I picked a pair of tan sandals to go along with it. I made a mental note to add my Trev necklace to it.

I took my hair out of the towel so it could quickly air dry. I checked the clock, 5:08. I've got plenty of time. I decided to call Connor.

1 ring, 2 ring, He picks up.

"Hey dad!"

"Hey babygirl. How's it going?"

"It's going good. How are you?"

"Oh I'm tired. This is wearing me out. I started my first stop in Minnesota today. It was crazy! The mall was full of screaming fans! I wasn't prepared for such a big turn out!" I laughed. I love it when he gets all excited telling a story.

"So tell me, how's Team Kevor?" I could just tell he was smirking on the other side of the phone.

"Well, Team Kevor is going on a date tonight."

"Ooh sounds like fun!"

"Hopefully. Hey did you know Trev could curl hair?"

"Yeah. Duh! He gave me pointers a few years back." He used his white girl voice. I laughed. Our conversation went on for another thirty minutes. I finally told him bye and screenshot the amount of time we were on the phone. I looked at the time, 5:49.

I decided to get dressed. I slipped on my clothes and strapped my sandals on. I admired my outfit once again in the mirror. I walked to the bathroom and clicked my curling iron on. I walked back to the room and out the door. I stood on the balcony part by the stairs.

"TREVOR I NEED HELP WITH MY HAIR!" I could tell the others were questioning me just by how quiet it was.

"COMING PRINCESS!" I heard a few muffled voices. Me knowing the boys, I knew they were 'aww'ing. I walked back in the bathroom and turned Spotify back on. Trevor walked in a few moments later. I smiled at him in the mirror and handed him the wand. He pinned my hair and wrapped the first strand of hair.


"Gentleman, I now present...Katie." I was standing on the last step of the staircase. Ricky was in front of me, hiding the view from the others. I had a robe on in the bathroom so Trev couldn't see my outfit. Plus he only curled my hair, I fixed my hair into a waterfall braid. Ricky moved out of the way and revealed me to the boys. I stepped off the step and did a twirl, making my hair fly and my shirt spin.

The boys, as always, said I was beautiful. Sometimes I just think they say that because they have to. Trevor walked up to me and offered me his arm. I took it and we walked out the door with the constant reminder from Ricky,


We ignored it. Like I'm gonna do that. No way! I know better. Before we left, I got Jc to take a few pictures of me and Trev. He took a few and handed me my phone back. Before I could grab it, he wrapped me in a hug.

"I love you, Katie. Don't forget about me when you and Trevor get hitched and have kids." I laughed.

"I promise I won't." We seperated and I grabbed Trevor's hand.

"Bye guys!" I waved as I got in the front seat of Ricky's car.

"Bye!" They yelled and waved back.

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