Chapter 25: Movie Premiere?!

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"BECAUSE ALLLLLL OF ME LOVES ALLLLLLL OF YOUUUUU!" We were screaming at the tops of our lungs. The radio got boring so Jenn hooked up her iPod to the stereo. I had totally forgotten about me riding in a car. We pulled up to Jenndrea's house. I hopped out of the car and did cartwheels to the door. Andrea did too. Jenn attempted one and fell. Lauren and Arden walked up to the house.

"You two were supposed to do some kind of flip too!" Andrea joked, unlocking the door.

"You see, Lauren and physical activity after dark don't mix." Lauren said and shook her head.

"That's a tragedy." I said, shaking my head and walking in.

"Yeah and for me, the most physical activity I do is run up and down aisles for food." Arden said, shutting the door and locking it. We all laughed.

"I call dibs on first shower!" Jenn yelled. We all nodded our heads and she ran upstairs

"She forgets we have 3 bathrooms in this house." Andrea said.

"Lauren and Katie can go take a shower. Andrea needs to help me with something." Arden said, making her eyes grow wide at Lauren and Andrea.

"Oh yeah. Um Katie there's a shower around the corner right on the bottom floor and there's another one upstairs. Pick the one you want." Andrea shooed me away so I went to the one upstairs. I walked inside and instantly dropped my bag. The bathroom was as big as my bedroom at Connor's apartment. And that's big!

I took my phone out of my back pocket and set it on the counter. I put my Spotify on and undressed. I got in the shower and used the body wash, shampoo, and conditioner that was in there.

I sang along to my playlist and thought about what school I'll be going to if Connor isn't back from his tour soon. I turned off the water and hopped out. I put on my red, oversized YouTube shirt and white bum shorts. I brushed out my hair and side braided it, causing some hair to fall around my face. I put everything in my bag and zipped it up.

I grabbed my phone and clicked Spotify off. On my way downstairs, I did a tour of the upstairs myself. I saw 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a room filled with random furniture like it's a living room but upstairs, and at the very end of the hallway is two giant double doors that open out to a humongous balcony. And all of that is JUST upstairs.

"KATIE! WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!" All 4 girls yelled to me. I came down the stairs and saw pillows and blankets all over the floor. The smell of popcorn was in the air along with the scent of a candle. There were no lights on except one light inside of a fort. Yes the girls set up a fort!

Since pillows and blankets filled up the floor, I had to step on them to get to the fort. I climbed in the small opening and the girls cheered.

"Hey Katie! So us 4 and the boys, including Jack and Rebecca, made you a little something." Lauren said and handed me a bowl of popcorn.

"Rebecca wishes she could be here to share this moment with you, but she had to go home to her family for a while." Andrea said, she gave me a smile. I guess her smile was contagious because I instantly smiled.

"Now without further a do, Are." Jenn started.

"You." Lauren continued.

"Ready." Arden stated.

"For." Andrea kept going.

"Some." They said all together. Each one glanced at each other then suddenly 12 people popped up on the wall in front of me.

"FUUUUUUN!" All 12 people yelled. Everyone was laughing and smiling like crazy. It fell silent and everyone looked at the camera.

"Katie Mae Franta, I love you so so so much. You're my world. My life was bland, and basic until you danced into my heart. You're the best don't ever forget that." Trevor said. He made a heart with his hand and placed it in front of his eye.

"Katie, Katie, Katie, I love you little-but-big sister. You're little voice brightened up my world." Jc smiled softly and do his cloud sign.

"Since there are 12 of us, it would take forever to do our own little speeches on how much you have impacted our life. So, those two people argued over getting to tell you what they did. So we let them since we're nice." Kian said, glancing from Trevor, Jc, and the camera.

"Now we have our own special videos we are dedicating to you." Jenn added, pointing at the camera.

"Now, let's get to it!" Connor yelled and covered up the camera. After that it was a series of videos from each person. Some were challenges like Who Knows Katie More and Who Loves Katie More and some were dedications and speeches.

It switched back to the 12 people in the same position as before except now they all had bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces.

"Now we all have something for you. Depending on where you're watching this and who you're watching it with, we all have something for you." Andrea started.

"Because we love you." Jack added.

"And care for you." Sam replied.

"And want the best for you." Andrea continued.

"You mean the world to us ya know." Ricky mimicked me when I say 'ya know'. I laughed and wiped tears falling down my face.

"Now thanks for watching, I'm Lauren-"

"I'm Jack."

"It's Kian."


"My name is Andrea." She wiped tears from her face.

"It's Ricky."




"It's Jenn."

"I'm Trevor." He smiled and blew a kiss. He wiped his face and there was a pause. Everyone turned to a red eyed, tear stained face Connor who stared at his lap the whole time. He looked up and stared at the camera.

"And lastly, I'm Connor, your super proud dad." He smiled and wiped his face.

"And together...we love Katie!" They shouted and tackled Connor in a hug. Someone stopped the camera on a scene where everyone is laughing and smiling while tackling Connor. The screen turned black and white and then faded to black. I thought it was over when Trevor appeared on the screen.

"BLOOPERS BABY!!" Suddenly, everyone was in the backyard sitting on the ground.

"Okay. It isn't that hard people! One on top of the other. I'm sure the Egyptians never had this many problems building pyramids!" Jack informed each person. I laughed at the scene. Soon enough everyone was piled on top of each other making a pyramid except for Jenn and Jack.

"Katie, I never do backflips but when I do..." Jack started flipping. He did like 9 straight backflips.

"Katie, I don't usually do a round off but when I do..." Jenn did a round off and landed in a split. Kian, who was on the bottom of the pyramid, started clapping causing everyone to tumble down. Jenn and Jack were laughing super hard and now I know why this was a blooper.

That scene faded out as everyone was laughing. It went black and '#KatieIsABlessing' came across the black screen in a white font. Then the credits rolled with stuff like 'shot by Kian's camera' and 'Jc loves Katie more'. I turned to the girls with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you." Is all that came out. We group hugged and parted. Andrea set up her iPad. Jenn and Lauren texted someone

"The nights not over yet." We waited in silence for a moment then Andrea's iPad started ringing.

"Finally." She clicked the answer button and two different screens pulled up. One had 6 people and the other had one. Jack and the others were in one square and Connor was in the other one.

"So how was the #KatieIsABlessing premiere?" Connor asked with a smile.
I'll admit, I got emotional just writing this! But hey, we all have a soft side. Anyways, since no one commented a name I guess I'll change the story up. Okay well hope ya liked it!

-Emma out ✌

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