Chapter 5: Yes, An Order of Cinnamon Sticks

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"So the fans really like our video." Connor walked into my room. He was smiling at his phone while scrolling on it.

"Thanks for waking me up for an update on your fans." I stretched, sat up, and walked to the dresser to get my phone.

"You know Kay, you could have your own fans too."

"What do you mean?" I sat down on my bed and started checking my text messages.

"I mean you could get a YouTube channel. And have your own fans. And a fandom."

"Although that sounds nice, I don't know if I can do it."

"Of course you can! I'll get you a camera like mine. We can do collabs together. The boys can collab with you when you're in Cali."

"Wait. What do you mean by 'when you're in Cali'? " I kept texting everyone back.

"Well I'm gonna go on a book tour. You're gonna stay with the boys while I'm gone." He walked out of my room so I kept texting. He walked back in with a book.

"This," He motioned to his book. "This is my book. I'm going on a tour and they told me I couldn't bring anyone. I'll be gone for a while. I tried begging for them to let you come but my manager said no. I even tried backing out but they wouldn't allow me since I already had told the fans."

I read the back of the book and skimmed some pages.

"Well it looks like a good book. Mind if I read it?"

"This copy is yours. There's a signature on the inside." I smiled.

"So is this why you wanted me to move to California?"

"No. Actually Ricky asked if you would be interested when we first got you and I never gave him an answer because like you just moved in with me....and then there was Sadie. I talked to him last night, by the way, and he said you could stay with him some nights and then go to Kian and Jc's or Sam's parents or stay at my apartment or whatever. It's whatever you want." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks for telling me now instead of waiting to get to Cali and telling me." He laughed.

"I wouldn't have done that to you." I giggled.

"I know."

"Piggyback ride?" He opened his hand for me to take. I laughed and grabbed it.

"Of course!" He stood in front of me and I jumped on his back. We ran around the apartment for like half an hour. Trevor threw a pillow off of the couch at us every time we ran in there yelling. I'm gonna miss Connor but I mean I have my brothers and Trevor. Plus FaceTime and Skype. Along with text messages and phone calls. It'll work out.

"I'm thirsty!" I yelled.

"I'm hungry!" Connor yelled.

"I'm both!" Trevor yelled. Me and Connor laughed.

"Starbucks and Taco Bell?" I offered.

"YASS THIS WHITE GIRL NEEDS HER STARBUCKS!!" Connor mimicked a common white girl which is hilarious!

"YASS THIS GIRL NEEDS HER TACOS!!" Trevor attempted to mimick a white girl but changed it up. He failed!

"Oh god Trev don't ever do that again!" I shielded my eyes with one hand and stretched my other arm out, shaking my hand telling him to never do that again.

"Whatever!" He yelled. Once again we laughed. It should seriously be illegal how much us three laugh when we're together.

"Well we better hurry because our flight to California leaves at 8:30 tonight and I still need to call my manager, finish packing, talk to the other boys about your care, and get you to California. Then I have to fly right back to Minnesota for the start of the tour by Monday." Me and Trev both had shocked faces.

"On second thought, I think pizza will be fine." I grabbed the phone book out of the drawer and opened it up. "I'm sure there's someone that delivers for lunch." I flipped some pages.

"Yeah it's called Al's 24 hour Pizza." Connor said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, what's their number?" I pulled my phone out waiting for him to give me the number.

"Katie, I can call out for pizza."

"No dad, ya can't. You need to make a few important phone calls yourself. I can call for pizza." He stared at me for a minute then scrolled through his contacts.

"789-564-3429" (I don't know if that is a real number so please don't try calling it. Thanks ) I typed it in and dialed the number.

"You have their number programmed?" Trevor asked and immediately started laughing.

"Shut up Moran! And yes. I do." Connor defended himself.

"SHHHHH!!" I yelled trying to place the order.

"Sorry!" They whisper-yelled.

"Yes I would like a large pizza with-"

"Peporoni, extra sauce, and extra cheese." Trevor commanded me to tell the lady. I glared at him.

"Ooh and order breadsticks." Connor, also, commanded me. I rolled my eyes.

"With sausage. And I would like an order of cinnamon sticks. Yes that's it. Alright. Thank you." I hung up and smiled.

"I specifically said Peporoni, extra sauce and extra cheese." Trevor said while counting the three things on his fingers.

"Yeah and I said BREADsticks!" Connor stressed the word bread.

"Yeah well I told you two to be quiet and let me order but you didn't then you yelled out orders to me. Therefore, I got what I wanted." I hopped off of the bar stool with a smile and walked to the living room. I grabbed the remote and plopped on the couch. I clicked on the tv. Not even two seconds later two boys were standing in front of it with their arms folded and their eyes glaring at me.

"Listen," I pointed to Connor. "You have like a million things to do and none of them are to annoy your daughter by standing in front of the tv looking like a two-year old."

"And you," I pointed to Trevor. "You should be over here cuddling with me not standing in front of the tv looking like a two-year old that just crapped in their pants."

"Well thanks for that image." Trevor said with a disgusted look and walked to the couch and sat by me.

"Fine!" Connor dropped his shoulders and walked dramatically to the kitchen and grabbed his phone.

"I'll be on the phone. I left 20 dollars for the food on the counter!" Connor walked to his room and shut the door. I finally won an argument against these two boys.

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