Chapter 22: Baby Pictures

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"Trevor, omg you were the cutest baby!" Momma Moran was showing me baby pictures of Trevor.

"Mom. Seriously." Trevor was slumped on the couch with his face in his hands.

"Come on! Lighten up. She was gonna see these at one point." I laughed and pulled my phone out to tweet.

@Katieswizzle101- A day at the Morans, just what I needed. @TrevorMoran ❤

I put my phone up and realized his mom left.

"Why'd she leave?" I asked, taking a seat next to Trevor on the couch.

"Probably to go find more embarrassing baby photos." He said annoyed.

"Well I find your baby pictures to be adorable." I nudged his arm and he cracked a smile.

"That's the smile I fell for!" I wrapped my arms around him and into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled for a minute. Momma Moran walked in a few moments later and told us she was gonna fix dinner and asked if we wanted to stay.

"I don't know, mom. Ricky might want Katie back."

"I can ask him." I offered. She flashed a smile which made me feel bad that she is always alone in the house. I called Ricky and he said it was fine.

His mom fixed us chicken pot pie which was amazing! We sat at the table and talked for while.

Momma Moran excused herself to go take a shower. Me and Trev made our way upstairs to the game room. We sat down on the long couch and cuddled. Suddenly, a loud thunder boomed causing me to jump.

I haven't been the best at thunderstorms since the night I was left in the backyard at the orphanage. That night outside it started storming really bad and I was freezing. I had a few panic attacks out there. Everyone laughed at me from the window inside which didn't make me feel anymore secure. That night they also locked Sadie in the basement so she wouldn't tell Mrs. Duece where I was.

I started shaking when another thunder boomed even louder. Trevor just kept me in his embrace which made me feel safe. Any time the thunder would boom, Trevor would sing which calmed my nerves. By the time it was just raining and there wasn't much of a thunderstorm left, it was late at night. Ricky gave me permission to stay over. Momma Moran brought us blankets in the game room. She made Trevor make a pallet on the floor to sleep on. I got the couch.

"Goodnight Sass. Love you bunches. Always slay. Stay beautiful!" He kissed me and climbed under his blanket.

"You left me speechless, Moran!"

"Aww shucks!" He smiled at me and blew me a kiss. He rolled over and had his back to me now. I fell asleep to the thought of a warm pizza and a cold Arizona on a rainy day.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. There were empty blankets on the floor. I shrugged it off and walked downstairs. Momma Moran was curled up on the couch reading a book.

"Good morning." I waved to her and showed a smile.

"Honey, it's one in the afternoon."

"Oh. Well good afternoon then." She smiled and continued reading. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. I walked back to the room and layed down on the couch. Before I knew it I was asleep again.

"Katie. I got you something." Trevor whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Trevor sitting next to me. I took a deep breath and smelled pizza.

"Pizza. I smell it!" I stated. I looked at Trevor's lap and saw he was holding a box.

"Pizza. Is. Bae." I ripped the box off of him and set it down on the floor.

"I thought I was your bae." Trevor said, acting like he was gonna cry.

"#rejected" I said and took a bite of pizza.

"Well then I guess I can't give you the Arizona I got with it." He pulled out an Arizona from behind is back and stared at it.

"I. Love. You." I snatched the can out of his hand and cracked it open.

"You only love me for pizza and Arizona." He climbed onto the floor next to me and grabbed a slice of pizza. I heard another vibration noise like I heard yesterday. I glanced around but the only thing that could make that noise would be our phones, but mine is turned off which means it is his phone. I shook it off and took a sip of tea.

"Did you sleep good last night?"Trevor asked me stealing a sip of my tea.

"Kinda. I had a nightmare about the accident."


"Yeah. I think I need to talk to Kian. It might help."

"Well we can go back after we eat if you want."

"Okay." We finished eating and folded up all of the blankets we used. Trevor threw the trash away and we gave our goodbyes to Momma Moran.

Momma Moran gave us some cookies to take home. I wouldn't hold them at first because it reminded me of THAT night. But Trevor made me. He said I should face my fear.

We were walking up the steps to the house. I pushed open the door and revealed bodies all over the floor, empty boxes everhwhere, empty Arizona cans everywhere, blankets scattered, and what I'm hoping is Arizona puddled in the corner. This place was a mess.

"What happened here?!" I shrieked. Everyone shot up. Sam had a plastic plate on his face. He probably fell asleep on it.

"We had a guys' night in. Duh!" Ricky said and stood up. He dodged trash on his way to the kitchen. I saw Kian laying on the couch.

"Everyone out. I need to talk to Kian." The boys just stared at me.

"Like I said a few seconds ago, everyone out except for Kian!" I said sternly. They jumped to their feet and ran to the kitchen, probably to get food. I walked over to Kian and sat down. He looked a little dazed but aware of his surroundings. I faced him and he stared right into my eye. I went to go say something but was interrupted

"Katie I..."

To be continued...
Yo! What's up? So anyways, what do you think Kian will say? And what do you think of Momma Moran? She will be playing a very important role soon *plays evil laugh audio*. Oh and what do you think about the vibration Katie keeps hearing? Those are some questions to think about. Okay well bye!

-Emma out ✌

Adopted by Connor Franta (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora