Chapter 33: Fatal Phone Call

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"So one time, Connor and I were playing a nerf gun war. He went to jump off the back of the couch but his foot got caught on a pillow and he face planted!" I started laughing, once again, at Nicola's stories. She's told me 2 other stories already and we've only been doing my toe nails for 5 minutes now.

We heard the door open and all of us looked up. Connor was walking in with a permanent smile plastered on his face.

"Good news, you can leave this place!" Connor exclaimed and started doing random dance moves which caused Ricky to start dancing. Followed by Jc then Trevor then Dustin. Me and Nicola were laughing so hard at these boys. I had completely forgotten why I'm in the hospital snd Sadie.

"So get ready because we're leaving as soon as you're ready." Connor walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks Dadd-io!" I playfully punched his shoulder. He laughed and Trevor satrted packing up my stuff.

"I'll go get a nurse to come take all of this nonsense off of you." Jc said and walked out. A few minutes later a nurse walked in.

"Mr. Franta, you need to go sign discharge papers." The nurse informed Connor. He nodded his head and walked out. She took my mask and turned the machine off. Next was my IV, she slid the needle out of my arm and placed a bandaid on top of the spot it was. Lastly, was my heart monitor which she took off. I still had those patches on my chest though.

"Well, Katie, it was nice having you stay here and heal. I'm glad to see you all healed up." I smiled at the woman and glanced at her name tag. It said Diane Baker. My mother's last name is Baker.

"Do you know who Julie Baker is?" I asked the woman as she messed with the heart monitor. She didn't make eye contact and stuttered some. I glanced at Trevor and he started walking over.

"Yeah, that's my sister." She replied. Okay I've had it with these people.

"Get out." I pointed towards the door.

"Huh?" She stared at me with her icy blue eyes.

"I said GET OUT!" I yelled. Ricky walked to the door and held it open. Trevor rubbed my back.

"She wants you out." Dustin commented, walking towards me.

"But I didn-" She started but got cut off.

"She said out. Now." Nicola said, crossing her arms across her chest. The woman grabbed everything she needed and walked out. Ricky closed the door and walked to me.

"Gurlllll how much more of Julie's family do we have to see?" He joked. I smiled up at him. I'm glad he didn't say 'your mother's family' because honestly that would've ticked me off.

"Hopefully that's it because I'm not coming back to this place." I grabbed my clothes out of my bag. I walked into the bathroom and stripped the ugly hospital gown. I put on my comfortable clothes and walked out. I set the gown on the bed and picked up my bag. My door opened revealing Connor with a huge smile.

"Ready to go home?" I nodded my head and ran out of the room. I tossed my bag in Connor's arms as I passed him. I ran past the nurse's desk and slid across the top of it, getting a few glares from workers. I laughed and continued to the bridge overpass of the hospital that connects one story of the place to the other. I ran and did a plie and landed softly. I pranced my way to the huge staircase. I thought for a moment and sat down on the bar, securing one hand onto the railing. I smiled and gave myself a push.

I slid down the railing with a huge smile and a laugh pouring out of my mouth. When I got to the end I jumped off. I ran to the automatic doors and stepped on the black mat. The doors opened and I stood there for a moment. An evil smile rest upon my face. I hopped off of the mat and the doors closed. I hopped back on and they opened. I did this repeatedly until I felt someone's arms around my waist.

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