chapter 24

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Should I come outside or just run away

"who's there!!" he screamed again making me jolt. I gave up and I came outside from the bush. He was angry when he saw me.

"of course it's you, it's always you" he said and he sat on the rock again.

I didn't talk. I was too scared to talk.

"I gave you instructions this morning, didn't I" he asked while looking at the stream and I nodded

"good" he said

"I'm sorry, I thought that if that woman left I could come outside" I said trying to explain myself.

"why can't you just be normal sophie. Like act like normal person. Why are you a pain in my head. I've tried to be lenient with you like I haven't been with anyone but you don't just try at all" he said.

He didn't sound angry at all. But he sounded blue. This was a perfect timing

"why am I here" I asked

"he looked at me and said

"you're till bothered about that shit?"

"yes I am. Are you smitten with me because that's......"? I was saying before he cut me short because he was laughing

"this is the most ridiculous, No, bizarre statement I've heard today"


"good, because I can never like someone like you either." I said walking closer to him

"that's not for you to say" he looked at me and threw a stone at the stream.

I realised, am I having like a conversation with jobe without me shouting or him threatening me. What happened to him today

"and why is it for you to say, it's my feelings"

He didn't answer me but just smirk and ran his hands through his hair

"are you ok?" I asked because this is so unlike him. He's usually calm but not quiet. He always retorts to anything I say

When I asked him the question he looked at me and then to the stream and back to me. he was still sitting on the oddly comfortable rock. at that moment he said

"I'm glad it was you sophie" when he said I fought all my nerves to smile right now

"what do you mean" I asked to get him clearer

"forget it, you'll probably won't remember tomorrow"

I looked at him quickly out of shock because of what he just said. What does he mean by that?

"what do you mean" I asked

"hmm?" he said looking at me

"what do you mean ill forget, have you been tampering with my head, wait that's even impossible........." I was saying when I heard him say

"did I say that out loud. Oh shit"

What is happening I thought.

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